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to prepare false evidence

  • 1 prepare false evidence

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > prepare false evidence

  • 2 prepare false evidence

    English-Ukrainian law dictionary > prepare false evidence

  • 3 to prepare false evidence

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > to prepare false evidence

  • 4 to prepare false evidence

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > to prepare false evidence

  • 5 evidence

    1) средство или средства доказывания; доказательство, доказательства; подтверждение; улика | служить доказательством, подтверждать, доказывать
    2) свидетельское показание, свидетельские показания | свидетельствовать, давать показания
    3) дача показаний, представление или исследование доказательств ( как стадия судебного процесса); доказывание

    admissible in evidence — допустимый в качестве доказательства;

    evidence admissible in chiefдоказательства или показания, допустимые при главном допросе;

    evidence aliunde — внешнее доказательство, лежащее вне документа доказательство;

    evidence at law — судебные доказательства;

    evidence before trial — показания, данные или доказательства, представленные до начала судебного процесса;

    evidence by affidavit — показания в форме аффидевита;

    failure to give evidence — непредставление доказательств; невозможность дать показания; отказ от дачи показаний;

    evidence for the defence — 1. доказательства защиты 2. показания свидетелей защиты;

    evidence for the defendant — доказательства в пользу ответчика, подсудимого;

    evidence for the plaintiff — доказательства в пользу истца;

    evidence for the prosecution — 1. доказательства обвинения, улики 2. показания свидетелей обвинения;

    evidence implicating the accused — доказательства, дающие основание полагать, что преступление совершено обвиняемым;

    in evidence — в доказательство, в качестве доказательства;

    evidence in corroboration — доказательство в подтверждение других доказательств;

    evidence in cross-examinationсвидетельские показания или доказательства, полученные при перекрёстном допросе ( стороной свидетеля противной стороны);

    evidence in disproofпоказания или доказательства в опровержение;

    evidence in question — 1. оспариваемое доказательство 2. исследуемое и оцениваемое доказательство;

    evidence in rebuttalдоказательство или показание в опровержение;

    evidence in support of the oppositionпат. обоснование протеста, мотивированный протест;

    evidence in the caseдоказательства или показания по делу;

    evidence is out — доказательства исчерпаны;

    item in evidence — предмет, представленный в качестве доказательства;

    evidence material to the case — доказательство, имеющее существенное значение для дела;

    evidence on appeal — показания, доказательства по апелляции;

    evidence on commission — показания по поручению;

    evidence on hearing — доказательство на рассмотрении суда;

    evidence on oath — показания под присягой;

    on the evidenceна основании данных показаний или представленных доказательств;

    evidence par excellence — лучшее доказательство;

    piece of evidence — часть доказательственного материала; отдельное доказательство;

    evidence relevant to credibility — доказательство, относящиеся к надёжности свидетеля, достоверности его показаний;

    evidence relevant to weight — доказательства, относящиеся к убедительности других доказательств;

    evidence sufficient to sustain the case — доказательства, достаточные для поддержания ( данной) версии;

    to adduce evidence — представить доказательство;

    to admit evidence — допустить доказательство;

    to admit in evidence — допустить в качестве доказательства;

    to appear in evidence — вытекать из представленных доказательств;

    to become Commonwealth's [Crown's, government's, King's, People's, Queen's, State's] evidence — стать свидетелем обвинения, перейти на сторону обвинения, дав показания против сообвиняемого;

    to call (for) evidence — истребовать доказательства;

    to compare evidence — 1. сопоставить доказательства, показания 2. произвести очную ставку;

    evidence to contradict — контрдоказательство; контрпоказание;

    to develop evidence — представить доказательства;

    to exaggerate evidence — преувеличить силу доказательства;

    to fabricate evidence — сфабриковать доказательства;

    to give evidence — 1. давать показания 2. представить доказательства;

    to give in evidence — представить в качестве доказательства;

    to give evidence under compulsion — давать показания по принуждению;

    to introduce evidence — представить доказательства;

    to introduce in evidence — представить в качестве доказательства;

    to lead evidence — 1. заслушивать, отбирать показания 2. принимать доказательства;

    evidence to meet — доказательство в поддержку, поддерживающее доказательство;

    to offer evidence — представить доказательства;

    to offer in evidence — представить в качестве доказательства;

    to prepare evidence — 1. сфабриковать доказательства 2. подготовиться к даче показаний;

    to prepare false evidence — сфабриковать ложные доказательства;

    to produce evidence — представить доказательства;

    to put in evidence — представить в качестве доказательства;

    evidence to rebut — доказательство в опровержение, опровергающее доказательство;

    to receive evidence — 1. получить, отобрать показания 2. принять доказательства;

    to receive in evidence — принять в качестве доказательства;

    to review evidenceрассмотреть или пересмотреть доказательства;

    to search for evidence — искать доказательства;

    to sift evidence — тщательно исследовать, анализировать доказательства или показания;

    to suppress evidence — скрыть доказательства;

    to take evidence — 1. отобрать показания 2. принять доказательства;

    to tender evidence — представить доказательства;

    to tender in evidence — представить в качестве доказательства;

    evidence to the contrary — доказательство противного;

    to weigh evidence — оценить доказательства;

    to withhold evidence — воздержаться, отказаться от дачи показаний или от представления доказательств;

    evidence wrongfully obtained — доказательства, показания, полученные с нарушением закона

    - evidence of arrest
    - evidence of blood grouping tests
    - evidence of character
    - evidence of confession
    - evidence of credibility
    - evidence of crime
    - evidence of debt
    - evidence of disposition
    - evidence of fact
    - evidence of guilt
    - evidence of identification
    - evidence of identity
    - evidence of indebtedness
    - evidence of opportunity
    - evidence of practice
    - evidence of reputation
    - evidence of title
    - acceptable evidence
    - actual evidence
    - additional evidence
    - adduced evidence
    - adequate evidence
    - adminicular evidence
    - admissible evidence
    - admitted evidence
    - adversary evidence
    - affirmative evidence
    - affirmative rebuttal evidence
    - after-discovered evidence
    - ample evidence
    - ascertaining evidence
    - autoptical evidence
    - auxiliary evidence
    - available evidence
    - ballistics evidence
    - ballistic evidence
    - best evidence
    - better evidence
    - biological evidence
    - casual evidence
    - character evidence
    - character-witness evidence
    - circumstantial evidence
    - civil evidence
    - clear evidence
    - closed evidence
    - cogent evidence
    - collateral evidence
    - Commonwealth's evidence
    - competent evidence
    - completing evidence
    - conclusive evidence
    - concocted evidence
    - concomittant evidence
    - confirmatory evidence
    - conflicting evidence
    - consistent evidence
    - contradicting evidence
    - contrary evidence
    - contributing evidence
    - controverted evidence
    - controvertible evidence
    - convincing evidence
    - copy evidence
    - corroborated evidence
    - corroborating evidence
    - counteracting evidence
    - counter evidence
    - credible evidence
    - criminal evidence
    - criminating evidence
    - Crown's evidence
    - culpatory evidence
    - cumulative evidence
    - damaging evidence
    - damning evidence
    - decisive evidence
    - demeanor evidence
    - demonstrative evidence
    - derivative evidence
    - direct evidence
    - disproving evidence
    - doctored evidence
    - documentary evidence
    - empirical evidence
    - entered evidence
    - exact evidence
    - excluded evidence
    - exculpatory evidence
    - expert evidence
    - expert opinion evidence
    - explaining evidence
    - external evidence
    - extrajudicial evidence
    - extraneous evidence
    - extrinsic evidence
    - fabricated evidence
    - false evidence
    - final evidence
    - fingerprint evidence
    - firm evidence
    - first hand evidence
    - footprint evidence
    - foundation evidence
    - fragmentary evidence
    - fresh evidence
    - further evidence
    - government's evidence
    - habit evidence
    - hard evidence
    - hearsay evidence
    - higher evidence
    - identification evidence
    - identifying evidence
    - illegally obtained evidence
    - illustrative evidence
    - immaterial evidence
    - immunized evidence
    - impeaching evidence
    - implicating evidence
    - impugned evidence
    - inadequate evidence
    - inadmissible evidence
    - incompetent evidence
    - inconclusive evidence
    - inconsistent evidence
    - incontroverted evidence
    - incontrovertible evidence
    - incriminating evidence
    - inculpatory evidence
    - independent evidence
    - indicative evidence
    - indirect evidence
    - indispensable evidence
    - indubitable evidence
    - inferential evidence
    - inferior evidence
    - insufficient evidence
    - insufficient evidence for the defence
    - internal evidence
    - introduced evidence
    - irrefutable evidence
    - irrelevant evidence
    - judicial evidence
    - King's evidence
    - legal evidence
    - legally obtained evidence
    - legitimate evidence
    - manufactured evidence
    - material evidence
    - mathematical evidence
    - moral evidence
    - negative evidence
    - negative rebuttal evidence
    - newly-discovered evidence
    - nonexculpatory evidence
    - notarial evidence
    - obtainable evidence
    - obtained evidence
    - offered evidence
    - official evidence
    - opinion evidence
    - opinion evidence of character
    - opposing evidence
    - oral evidence
    - original evidence
    - out-of-court evidence
    - overwhelming evidence
    - parol evidence
    - partial evidence
    - pedigree evidence
    - People's evidence
    - perjured evidence
    - persuasive evidence
    - physical evidence
    - police evidence
    - positive evidence
    - possible evidence
    - preappointed evidence
    - predominant evidence
    - preferable evidence
    - prejudicial evidence
    - presuming evidence
    - presumptive evidence
    - prevailing evidence
    - prima facie evidence
    - primary evidence
    - probable evidence
    - proffered evidence
    - proper evidence
    - prosecution evidence
    - prospectant evidence
    - proving evidence
    - pure expert opinion evidence
    - Queen's evidence
    - radar evidence of speed
    - radar evidence
    - real evidence
    - reasonable evidence
    - rebuttal evidence
    - rebutted evidence
    - rebutting evidence
    - receivable evidence
    - received evidence
    - recognized evidence
    - recollection evidence
    - record evidence
    - recorded evidence
    - record evidence of title
    - related evidence
    - relevant evidence
    - repelling evidence
    - reputation evidence of character
    - requisite evidence
    - retrospectant evidence
    - routine practice evidence
    - satisfactory evidence
    - scientific evidence
    - secondary evidence
    - second hand evidence
    - shaken evidence
    - significant evidence
    - similar evidence
    - slimmer evidence
    - slim evidence
    - solid evidence
    - spoken evidence
    - state's evidence
    - strengthening evidence
    - strong evidence
    - stronger evidence
    - strongest available evidence
    - substantial evidence
    - substantive evidence
    - substitutionary evidence
    - sufficient evidence
    - supplementary evidence
    - supporting evidence
    - suspect evidence
    - sworn evidence
    - tainted evidence
    - tendered evidence
    - testimonial evidence
    - trace evidence
    - traditionary evidence
    - uncontradicted evidence
    - uncorroborated evidence
    - unfavourable evidence
    - unshaken evidence
    - unsworn evidence
    - untainted evidence
    - verbal evidence
    - visible evidence
    - visual evidence
    - vital evidence
    - volunteer evidence
    - weak evidence
    - weaker evidence
    - wiretap information evidence
    - wiretap evidence
    - written evidence
    - evidence of criminality
    - confirming evidence
    - corroborative evidence
    - explanatory evidence
    - intrinsic evidence
    - prime evidence

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > evidence

  • 6 prepare

    English-Ukrainian law dictionary > prepare

  • 7 evidence

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > evidence

  • 8 evidence

    1) данные, факт[ы]
    2) доказательство; свидетельское показание

    Economists are calling for more rate reductions as evidence mounts that recovery from recession may take longer than expected. — Экономисты призывают к дальнейшему снижению процентных ставок по мере того, как появляется все больше доказательств того, что оживление после спада может наступить позднее ожидаемых сроков.

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > evidence

  • 9 фабрикувати фальшиві докази

    Українсько-англійський юридичний словник > фабрикувати фальшиві докази

  • 10 сфабриковать ложные доказательства

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > сфабриковать ложные доказательства

  • 11 AT

    I) prep.
    A. with dative.
    I. Of motion;
    1) towards, against;
    Otkell laut at Skamkatli, bowed down to S.;
    hann sneri egginni at Ásgrími, turned the edge against A.;
    Brynjólfr gengr alit at honum, quite up to him;
    þeir kómust aldri at honum, they could never get near him, to close quarters with him;
    3) to, at;
    koma at landi, to come to land;
    ganga at dómi, to go into court;
    4) along (= eptir);
    ganga at stræti, to walk along the street;
    dreki er niðr fór at ánni (went down the river) fyrir strauminum;
    refr dró hörpu at ísi, on the ice;
    5) denoting hostility;
    renna (sœkja) at e-m, to rush at, assault;
    gerði þá at þeim þoku mikla, they were overtaken by a thick fog;
    6) around;
    vefja motri at höfði sér, to wrap a veil round one’s head;
    bera grjót at e-m, to heap stones upon the body;
    7) denoting business, engagement;
    ríða at hrossum, at sauðum, to go looking after horses, watching sheep;
    fara at landskuldum, to go collecting rents.
    II. Of position, &c.;
    1) denoting presence at, near, by, upon;
    at kirkju, at church;
    at dómi, in court;
    at lögbergi, at the hill of laws;
    2) denoting participation in;
    vera at veizlu, brullaupi, to be at a banquet, wedding;
    3) ellipt., vera at, to be about, to be busy at;
    kvalararnir, er at vóru at pína hann, who were tormenting him;
    var þar at kona nökkur at binda (was there busy dressing) sár manna;
    4) with proper names of places (farms);
    konungr at Danmörku ok Noregi, king of;
    biskup at Hólum, bishop of Holar;
    at Helgafelli, at Bergþórshváli;
    5) used ellipt. with a genitive, at (a person’s) house;
    at hans (at his house) gisti fjölmenni mikit;
    at Marðar, at Mara’s home;
    at hins beilaga Ólafs konungs, at St. Olave’s church;
    at Ránar, at Ran’s (abode).
    III. Of time;
    1) at, in;
    at upphafi, at first, in the beginning;
    at skilnaði, at parting, when they parted;
    at páskum, at Easter;
    at kveldi, at eventide;
    at fjöru, at the ebb;
    at flœðum, at the floodtide;
    2) adding ‘komanda’ or ‘er kemr’;
    at ári komanda, next year;
    at vári, er kemr, next spring;
    generally with ‘komanda’ understood;
    at sumri, hausti, vetri, vári, next summer, &c.;
    3) used with an absolute dative and present or past part.;
    at sér lifanda, duing his lifetime;
    at öllum ásjándum, in the sight of all;
    at áheyranda höfðingjanum, in the hearing of the chief;
    at upprennandi sólu, at sunrise;
    at liðnum sex vikum, after six weeks are past;
    at honum önduðum, after his death;
    4) denoting uninterrupted succession, after;
    hverr at öðrum, annarr at öðrum, one after another;
    skildu menn at þessu, thereupon, after this;
    at því (thereafter) kómu aðrar meyjar.
    IV. fig. and in various uses;
    1) to, into, with the notion of destruction or change;
    brenna (borgina) at ösku, to burn to ashes;
    verða at ormi, to become a snake;
    2) for, as;
    gefa e-t at gjöf, as a present;
    eiga e-n at vin, to have one as friend;
    3) by;
    taka sverð at hjöltum, by the hilt;
    draga út björninn at hlustunum, by the ears;
    kjósa at afli, álitum, by strength, appearrance;
    auðigr at fé, wealthy in goods;
    vænn (fagr) at áliti, fair of face;
    5) as a law term, on the grounds of, by reason of;
    ryðja ( to challenge) dóm at mægðum, kvið at frændsemi;
    6) as a paraphrase of a genitive;
    faðir, móðir at barni (= barns, of a child);
    aðili at sök = aðili sakar;
    7) with adjectives denoting colour, size, age, of;
    hvítr, svartr, rauðr at lit, while, black, red of colour;
    mikill, lítill at stœrð, vexti, tall, small of stature;
    tvítugr at aldri, twenty years of age;
    kýr at fyrsta, öðrum kálfi, a cow that has calved once, twice;
    8) determining the source from which anything comes, of, from;
    Ari nam ok marga frœði at Þuríði (from her);
    þiggja, kaupa, geta, leigja e-t at e-m, to receive, buy, obtain, borrow a thing from one;
    hafa veg (virðing) styrk at e-m, to derive honour, power, from one;
    9) according, to, after (heygðr at fornum sið);
    at ráði allra vitrustu manna, by the advice of;
    at landslögum, by the law of the land;
    at leyfi e-s, by one’s leave;
    10) in adverbial phrases;
    gróa (vera grœddr) at heilu, to be quite healed;
    bíta af allt gras at snøggu, quite bare;
    at fullu, fully;
    at vísu, surely;
    at frjálsu, freely;
    at eilífu, for ever and ever;
    at röngu, at réttu, wrongly, rightly;
    at líku, at sömu, equally, all the same;
    at mun, at ráði, at marki, to a great extent.
    B. with acc., after, upon (= eptir);
    sonr á at taka arf at föður sinn, to take the inheritance after his father;
    at þat (= eptir þat), after that, thereafter;
    connected with a past part. or a., at Gamla fallinn, after the fall of Gamli;
    at Hrungni dauðan, upon the death of Hrungnir.
    1) as the simple mark of the infinitive, to;
    at ganga, at ríða, at hlaupa, to walk, to ride, to run;
    2) in an objective sense;
    hann bauð þeim at fara, sitja, he bade (ordered) them to go, sit;
    gefa e-m at eta, at drekka, to give one to eat, to drink;
    3) denoting design or purpose, in order to (hann gekk í borg at kaupa silfr).
    1) demonstrative particle before a comparative, the, all the, so much the;
    hón grét at meir, she wept the more;
    þykkir oss at líkara, all the more likely;
    þú ert maðr at verri (so much the worse), er þú hefir þetta mælt;
    2) rel. pron., who, which, that (= er);
    þeir allir, at þau tíðindi heyrðu, all those who heard;
    sem þeim er títt, at ( as is the custom of those who) kaupferðir reka.
    conj., that;
    1) introducing a subjective or objective clause;
    þat var einhverju sinni, at Höskuldr hafði vinaboð, it happened once that H.;
    vilda ek, at þú réðist austr í fjörðu, I should like you to go;
    2) relative to svá, denoting proportion, degree;
    svá mikill lagamaðr, at, so great a lawyer, that;
    3) with subj., denoting end or purpose, in order that (skáru þeir fyrir þá (viz. hestana) melinn, at þeir dœi eigi af sulti);
    4) since, because, as (= því at);
    5) connected with þó, því, svá;
    þó at (with subj.), though, although;
    því at, because, for;
    svá at, so that;
    6) temp., þá at (= þá er), when;
    þegar at (= þegar er), as soon as;
    þar til at (= þar til er), until, till;
    áðr at (= á. en), before;
    7) used superfluously after an int. pron. or adv.;
    Ólafr spurði, hvern styrk at hann mundi fá honum, what help he was likely to give him;
    in a relative sense; með fullkomnum ávexti, hverr at (which) þekkr ok þægiligr mun verða.
    negative verbal suffix, = ata; var-at, was not.
    odda at, Yggs at, battle.
    * * *
    and að, prep., often used ellipt. dropping the case and even merely as an adverb, [Lat. ad; Ulf. at = πρός and παρά, A. S. ät; Engl. at; Hel. ad = apud; O. H. G. az; lost in mod. Germ., and rare in Swed. and Dan.; in more freq. use in Engl. than any other kindred language, Icel. only excepted]:—the mod. pronunciation and spelling is (); this form is very old, and is found in Icel. vellum MSS. of the 12th century, e. g. aþ, 623. 60; yet in earlier times it was sounded with a tenuis, as we may infer from rhymes, e. g. jöfurr hyggi at | hve ek yrkja fat, Egill: Sighvat also makes it rhyme with a t. The verse by Thorodd—þar vastu at er fjáðr klæðið þvat (Skálda 162)—is hardly intelligible unless we accept the spelling with an aspirate (), and say that þvað is = þvá = þváði, lavabat; it may be that by the time of Thorodd and Ari the pure old pronunciation was lost, or is ‘þvat’ simply the A. S. þvât, secuit? The Icelanders still, however, keep the tenuis in compounds before a vowel, or before h, v, or the liquids l, r, thus—atyrða, atorka, athöfn, athugi, athvarf, athlægi; atvinna, atvik; atlaga, atlíðanði ( slope), atriði, atreið, atróðr: but aðdjúpr, aðfinsla (critic), aðferð, aðkoma, aðsókn, aðsúgr (crowding), aðgæzla. In some words the pronunciation is irregular, e. g. atkvæði not aðkv-; atburðr, but aðbúnaðr; aðhjúkran not athjúkran; atgörvi not aðgörfi. At, to, towards; into; against; along, by; in regard to; after.
    Mostly with dat.; rarely with acc.; and sometimes ellipt.—by dropping the words ‘home,’ ‘house,’ or the like—with gen.
    A. LOC.
    I. WITH MOTION; gener. the motion to the borders, limits of an object, and thus opp. to frá:
    1. towards, against, with or without the notion of arrival, esp. connected with verbs denoting motion (verba movendi et eundi), e. g. fara, ganga, koma, lúta, snúa, rétta at…; Otkell laut at Skamkatli, O. louted (i. e. bowed down) towards S., Nj. 77, Fms. xi. 102; sendimaðrinn sneri ( turned) hjöltum sverðsins at konungi, towards the king, i. 15; hann sneri egginni at Ásgrími, turned the edge towards A., Nj. 220; rétta e-t at e-m, to reach, hand over, Ld. 132; ganga at, to step towards, Ísl. ii. 259.
    2. denoting proximity, close up to, up to; Brynjólfr gengr … allt at honum, B. goes quite up to him, Nj. 58; Gunnarr kom þangat at þeim örunum, G. reached them even there with his arrows, 115; þeir kómust aldri at honum, they could never get near him, to close quarters, id.; reið maðr at þeim (up to them), 274; þeir höfðu rakit sporin allt at ( right up to) gammanum, Fms. i. 9; komu þeir at sjó fram, came down to the sea, Bárð. 180.
    3. without reference to the space traversed, to or at; koma at landi, to land, Ld. 38, Fms. viii. 358; ríða at dyrum, Boll. 344; hlaupa at e-m, to run up to, run at, Fms. vii. 218, viii. 358; af sjáfarganginum er hann gekk at landinu, of the surf dashing against the shore, xi. 6; vísa ólmum hundi at manni, to set a fierce hound at a man, Grág. ii. 118; leggja e-n at velli, to lay low, Eg. 426, Nj. 117; hníga at jörðu, at grasi, at moldu, to bite the dust, to die, Njarð. 378; ganga at dómi, a law term, to go into court, of a plaintiff, defendant, or bystander, Nj. 87 (freq.)
    4. denoting a motion along, into, upon; ganga at stræti, to walk along the street, Korm. 228, Fms. vii. 39; at ísi, on the ice, Skálda 198, Fms. vii. 19, 246, viii. 168, Eb. 112 new Ed. (á is perh. wrong); máttu menn ganga bar yfir at skipum einum, of ships alone used as a bridge, Fas. i. 378; at höfðum, at nám, to trample on the slain on the battle-field, Lex. Poët.; at ám, along the rivers; at merkiósum, at the river’s mouth, Grág. ii. 355; at endilöngu baki, all along its back, Sks. 100.
    5. denoting hostility, to rush at, assault; renna at, hlaupa at, ganga, fara, ríða, sækja, at e-m, (v. those words), whence the nouns atrenna, athlaup, atgangr, atför, atreið, atsókn, etc.
    β. metaph., kom at þeim svefnhöfgi, deep sleep fell on them, Nj. 104. Esp. of weather, in the impers. phrase, hríð, veðr, vind, storm görir at e-m, to be overtaken by a snow storm, gale, or the like; görði þá at þeim þoku mikla, they were overtaken by a thick fog, Bárð. 171.
    6. denoting around, of clothing or the like; bregða skikkju at höfði sér, to wrap his cloak over his head, Ld. 62; vefja motri at höfði sér, to wrap a snood round her head, 188; sauma at, to stick, cling close, as though sewn on; sauma at höndum sér, of tight gloves, Bs. i. 453; kyrtill svá þröngr sem saumaðr væri at honum, as though it were stitched to him, Nj. 214; vafit at vándum dreglum, tight laced with sorry tags, id.; hosa strengd fast at beini, of tight hose, Eg. 602; hann sveipar at sér iðrunum ok skyrtunni, he gathers up the entrails close to him and the skirt too, Gísl. 71; laz at síðu, a lace on the side, to keep the clothes tight, Eg. 602.
    β. of burying; bera grjót at einum, to heap stones upon the body, Eg. 719; var gör at þeim dys or grjóti, Ld. 152; gora kistu at líki, to make a coffin for a body, Eb. 264, Landn. 56, Ld. 142.
    γ. of summoning troops or followers; stefna at sér mönnum, to summon men to him, Nj. 104; stefna at sér liði, Eg. 270; kippa mönnum at sér, to gather men in haste, Ld. 64.
    7. denoting a business, engagement; ríða at hrossum, at sauðum, to go looking after after horses, watching sheep, Glúm. 362, Nj. 75; fara at fé, to go to seek for sheep, Ld. 240; fara at heyi, to go a-haymaking, Dropl. 10; at veiðum, a-hunting; at fuglum, a-fowling; at dýrum, a-sbooting; at fiski, a-fishing; at veiðiskap, Landn. 154, Orkn. 416 (in a verse), Nj. 25; fara at landskuldum, to go a-collecling rents, Eg. 516; at Finnkaupum, a-marketing with Finns, 41; at féföngum, a-plundering, Fms. vii. 78; ganga at beina, to wait on guests, Nj. 50; starfa at matseld, to serve at table, Eb. 266; hitta e-n at nauðsynjum, on matters of business; at máli, to speak with one, etc., Fms. xi. 101; rekast at e-m, to pursue one, ix. 404; ganga at liði sér, to go suing for help, Grág. ii. 384.
    β. of festivals; snúa, fá at blóti, veizlu, brullaupi, to prepare for a sacrificial banquet, wedding, or the like, hence at-fangadagr, Eb. 6, Ld. 70; koma at hendi, to happen, befall; ganga at sínu, to come by one’s own, to take it, Ld. 208; Egill drakk hvert full er at honum kom, drained every horn that came to him, Eg. 210; komast at keyptu, to purchase dearly, Húv. 46.
    8. denoting imaginary motion, esp. of places, cp. Lat. spectare, vergere ad…, to look or lie towards; horfði botninn at höfðanum, the bight of the bay looked toward the headland, Fms. i. 340, Landn. 35; also, skeiðgata liggr at læknum, leads to the brook, Ísl. ii. 339; á þann arminn er vissi at sjánum, on that wing which looked toward the sea, Fms. viii. 115; sár þau er horft höfðu at Knúti konungi, xi. 309.
    β. even connected with verbs denoting motion; Gilsáreyrr gengr austan at Fljótinu, G. extends, projects to F. from the east, Hrafh. 25; hjá sundi því, er at gengr þingstöðinni, Fms. xi. 85.
    II. WITHOUT MOTION; denoting presence at, near, by, at the side of, in, upon; connected with verbs like sitja, standa, vera…; at kirkju, at church, Fms. vii. 251, K. f). K. 16, Ld. 328, Ísl. ii. 270, Sks. 36; vera at skála, at húsi, to be in, at home, Landn. 154; at landi, Fms. i. 82; at skipi, on shipboard, Grág. i. 209, 215; at oldri, at a banquet, inter pocula; at áti, at dinner, at a feast, inter edendum, ii. 169, 170; at samförum ok samvistum, at public meetings, id.; at dómi, in a court; standa (to take one’s stand) norðan, sunnan, austan, vestan at dómi, freq. in the proceedings at trials in lawsuits, Nj.; at þingi, present at the parliament, Grág. i. 142; at lögbergi, o n the hill of laws, 17, Nj.; at baki e-m, at the back of.
    2. denoting presence, partaking in; sitja at mat, to sit at meat, Fms. i. 241; vera at veizlu, brullaupi, to be at a banquet, nuptials, Nj. 51, Ld. 70: a law term, vera at vígi, to be an accessory in manslaying, Nj. 89, 100; vera at e-u simply means to be about, be busy in, Fms. iv. 237; standa at máli, to stand by one in a case, Grág. ii. 165, Nj. 214; vera at fóstri, to be fostered, Fms. i. 2; sitja at hégóma, to listen to nonsense, Ld. 322; vera at smíð, to be at one’s work, Þórð. 62: now absol., vera at, to go on with, be busy at.
    3. the law term vinna eið at e-u has a double meaning:
    α. vinna eið at bók, at baugi, to make an oath upon the book by laying the band upon it, Landn. 258, Grág., Nj.; cp. Vkv. 31, Gkv. 3. 3, Hkv. 2. 29, etc.: ‘við’ is now used in this sense.
    β. to confirm a fact (or the like) by an oath, to swear to, Grág. i. 9, 327.
    γ. the law phrase, nefna vátta at e-u, of summoning witnesses to a deed, fact, or the like; nefna vátta at benjum, to produce evidence, witnesses as to the wounds, Nj., Grág.; at görð, Eg. 738; at svörum, Grág. i. 19: this summoning of witnesses served in old lawsuits the same purpose as modern pleadings and depositions; every step in a suit to be lawful must be followed by such a summoning or declaration.
    4. used ellipt., vera at, to be about, to be busy at; kvalararnir er at vóru at pína hann, who were tormenting him; þar varstu at, you were there present, Skálda 162; at várum þar, Gísl. (in a verse): as a law term ‘vera at’ means to be guilty, Glúm. 388; vartattu at þar, Eg. (in a verse); hence the ambiguity of Glum’s oath, vask at þar, I was there present: var þar at kona nokkur ( was there busy) at binda sár manna, Fms. v. 91; hann var at ok smíðaði skot, Rd. 313; voru Varbelgir at ( about) at taka af, þau lög …, Fms. ix. 512; ek var at ok vafk, I was about weaving, xi. 49; þeir höfðu verit at þrjú sumur, they had been busy at it for three summers, x. 186 (now very freq.); koma at, come in, to arrive unexpectedly; Gunnarr kom at í því, G. came in at that moment; hvaðan komtú nú at, whence did you come? Nj. 68, Fms. iii. 200.
    5. denoting the kingdom or residence of a king or princely person; konungr at Danmörk ok Noregi, king of…, Fms. i. 119, xi. 281; konungr, jarl, at öllum Noregi, king, earl, over all N., íb. 3, 13, Landn. 25; konungr at Dyflinni, king of Dublin, 25; but í or yfir England!, Eg. 263: cp. the phrase, sitja at landi, to reside, of a king when at home, Hkr. i. 34; at Joini, Fms. xi. 74: used of a bishop; biskup at Hólum, bishop of Hólar, Íb. 18, 19; but biskup í Skálaholti, 19: at Rómi, at Rome, Fbr. 198.
    6. in denoting a man’s abode (vide p. 5, col. 1, l. 27), the prep. ‘at’ is used where the local name implies the notion of by the side of, and is therefore esp. applied to words denoting a river, brook, rock, mountain, grove, or the like, and in some other instances, by, at, e. g. at Hofi (a temple), Landn. 198; at Borg ( a castle), 57; at Helgafelli (a mountain), Eb. constantly so; at Mosfelli, Landn. 190; at Hálsi (a hill), Fms. xi. 22; at Bjargi, Grett. 90; Hálsum, Landn. 143; at Á ( river), 296, 268; at Bægisá, 212; Giljá, 332; Myrká, 211; Vatnsá, id.; þverá, Glúm. 323; at Fossi (a ‘force’ or waterfall), Landn. 73; at Lækjamoti (waters-meeting), 332; at Hlíðarenda ( end of the lithe or hill), at Bergþórshváli, Nj.; at Lundi (a grove), at Melum (sandhill), Landn. 70: the prep. ‘á’ is now used in most of these cases, e. g. á Á, á Hofi, Helgafelli, Felli, Hálsi, etc.
    β. particularly, and without any regard to etymology, used of the abode of kings or princes, to reside at; at Uppsölum, at Haugi, Alreksstöðum, at Hlöðum, Landn., Fms.
    γ. konungr lét kalla at stofudyrum, the king made a call at the hall door, Eg. 88; þeir kölluðu at herberginu, they called at the inn, Fms. ix. 475.
    7. used ellipt. with a gen., esp. if connected with such words as gista, to be a guest, lodge, dine, sup (of festivals or the like) at one’s home; at Marðar, Nj. 4; at hans, 74; þingfesti at þess bóanda, Grág. i. 152; at sín, at one’s own home, Eg. 371, K. Þ. K. 62; hafa náttstað at Freyju, at the abode of goddess Freyja, Eg. 603; at Ránar, at Ran’s, i. e. at Ran’s house, of drowned men who belong to the queen of the sea, Ran, Eb. 274; at hins heilaga Ólafs konungs, at St. Olave’s church, Fms. vi. 63: cp. ad Veneris, εις Κίμωνος.
    B. TEMP.
    I. at, denoting a point or period of time; at upphafi, at first, in the beginning, Ld. 104; at lyktum, at síðustu, at lokum, at last; at lesti, at last, Lex. Poët., more freq. á lesti; at skilnaði, at parting, at last, Band. 3; at fornu, in times of yore, formerly, Eg. 267, D. I. i. 635; at sinni, as yet, at present; at nýju, anew, of present time; at eilífu, for ever and ever; at skömmu, soon, shortly, Ísl. ii. 272, v. l.
    II. of the very moment when anything happens, the beginning of a term; denoting the seasons of the year, months, weeks, the hours of the day; at Jólum, at Yule, Nj. 46; at Pálmadegi, on Palm Sunday, 273; at Páskum, at Easter; at Ólafsvöku, on St. Olave’s eve, 29th of July, Fms.; at vetri, at the beginning of the winter, on the day when winter sets in, Grág. 1. 151; at sumarmálum, at vetrnáttum; at Tvímánaði, when the Double month (August) begins, Ld. 256, Grág. i. 152; at kveldi, at eventide, Eg. 3; at því meli, at that time; at eindaga, at the term, 395; at eykð, at 4 o’clock p. m., 198; at öndverðri æfi Abra hams, Ver. II; at sinni, now at once, Fms. vi. 71; at öðruhverju, every now and then.
    β. where the point of time is marked by some event; at þingi, at the meeting of parliament (18th to the 24th of June), Ld. 182; at féránsdómi, at the court of execution, Grág. i. 132, 133; at þinglausnum, at the close of the parliament (beginning of July), 140; at festarmálum, eðr at eiginorði, at betrothal or nuptials, 174; at skilnaði, when they parted, Nj. 106 (above); at öllum minnum, at the general drinking of the toasts, Eg. 253; at fjöru, at the ebb; at flæðum, at flood tide, Fms. viii. 306, Orkn. 428; at hrörum, at an inquest, Grág. i. 50 (cp. ii. 141, 389); at sökum, at prosecutions, 30; at sinni, now, as yet, v. that word.
    III. ellipt., or adding ‘komanda’ or ‘er kemr,’ of the future time:
    1. ellipt., komanda or the like being understood, with reference to the seasons of the year; at sumri, at vetri, at hausti, at vári, next summer, winter…, Ísl. ii. 242; at miðju sumri, at ári, at Midsummer, next year, Fas. i. 516; at miðjum vetri, Fms. iv. 237,
    2. adding ‘komanda’ or ‘er kemr;’ at ári komanda, Bárð. 177; at vári er kemr, Dipl. iii. 6.
    IV. used with an absolute dat. and with a pres. part.:
    1. with pres. part.; at morni komanda, on the coming morrow, Fms. i. 263; at sér lifanda, in vivo, in his life time, Grág. ii. 202; at þeim sofundum, illis dormientibus, Hkr. i. 234; at öllum ásjándum, in the sight of all, Fms. x. 329; at úvitanda konungi, illo nesciente, without his knowledge, 227; at áheyranda höfðingjanum, in the chief’s bearing, 235.
    2. of past time with a past part. (Lat. abl. absol.); at hræjum fundnum, on the bodies being found, Grág. ii. 87; at háðum dómum ok föstu þingi, during the session, the courts being set, i. 484; at liðnum sex vikum, after six weeks past, Band. 13; at svá búnu, so goru, svá komnu, svá mæltu (Lat. quibus rebus gestis, dictis, quo facto, dicto, etc.), v. those words; at úreyndu, without trial, without put ting one to the test, Ld. 76; at honum önduðum, illo mortuo.
    3. ellipt. without ‘at;’ en þessum hlutum fram komnum, when all this has been done, Eb. 132.
    V. in some phrases with a slight temp, notion; at görðum gildum, the fences being strong, Gþl. 387; at vörmu spori, at once, whilst the trail is warm; at úvörum, unawares, suddenly, Nj. 95, Ld. 132; at þessu, at this cost, on that condition, Eb. 38, Nj. 55; at illum leiki, to have a narrow escape, now við illan leik, Fms. ix. 473; at því, that granted, Grág. ii. 33: at því, at pessu, thereafter, thereupon, Nj. 76.
    2. denoting succession, without interruption, one after another; hverr at öðrum, annarr maðr at öðrum, aðrir at öðrum; eina konu at annarri, Eg. 91, Fms. ii. 236, vi. 25, Bs. i. 22, 625. 80, H. E. i. 522.
    C. METAPH. and in various cases:
    I. denoting a transformation or change into, to, with the notion of destruction; brenna at ösku, at köldum kolum, to burn to ashes, to be quite destroyed, Fms. i. 105, Edda 3, Sturl. ii. 51: with the notion of transformation or transfiguration, in such phrases as, verða at e-u, göra e-t at e-u, to turn it into:
    α. by a spell; verða at ormi, to become a snake, Fms. xi. 158; at flugdrekum, Gullþ. 7; urðu þau bönd at járni, Edda 40.
    β. by a natural process it can often be translated by an acc. or by as; göra e-n at urðarmanni, to make him an outlaw, Eg. 728; græða e-n at orkumlamanni, to heal him so as to maim him for life, of bad treatment by a leech, Eb. 244: in the law terms, sár görist at ben, a wound turning into a ben, proving to be mortal, Grág., Nj.; verða at ljúgvætti, to prove to be a false evidence, Grág. i. 44; verða at sætt, to turn into reconciliation, Fms. i. 13; göra e-t at reiði málum, to take offence at, Fs. 20; at nýjum tíðindum, to tell as news, Nj. 14; verða fátt at orðum, to be sparing of words, 18; kveðr (svá) at orði, to speak, utter, 10; verða at þrifnaði, to geton well, Fms. vii. 196: at liði, at skaða, to be a help or hurt to one; at bana, to cause one’s death, Nj. 223, Eg. 21, Grág. ii. 29: at undrum, at hlátri, to become a wonder, a laughing-stock, 623. 35, Eg. 553.
    II. denoting capacity, where it may be translated merely by as or for; gefa at Jólagjöf, to give for a Christmas-box, Eg. 516; at gjöf, for a present; at erfð, at láni, launum, as an inheritance, a loan; at kaupum ok sökum, for buying and selling, Ísl. ii. 223, Grág. i. 423; at solum, ii. 204; at herfangi, as spoil or plunder; at sakbótum, at niðgjöldum, as a compensation, weregeld, i. 339, ii. 171, Hkr. ii. 168; taka at gíslingu, to take as an hostage, Edda 15; eiga e-n at vin, at óvin, to have one as friend or foe, illt er at eiga þræl at eingavin, ‘tis ill to have a thrall for one’s bosom friend (a proverb), Nj. 77; fæða, eiga, at sonum (syni), to beget a son, Edda 8, Bs. i. 60 (but eiga at dóttur cannot be said); hafa möttul at yfirhöfn, Fms. vii. 201; verða nökkut at manni (mönnum), to turn out to be a worthy man; verða ekki at manni, to turn out a worthless person, xi. 79, 268.
    2. in such phrases as, verða at orðum, to come towards, Nj. 26; var þat at erindum, Eg. 148; hafa at veizlum, to draw veizlur ( dues) from, Fms. iv. 275, Eg. 647; gora e-t at álitum, to take it into consideration, Nj. 3.
    III. denoting belonging to, fitting, of parts of the whole or the like; vóru at honum (viz. the sword) hjölt gullbúin, the sword was ornamented with a hilt of gold, Ld. 330; umgörð at ( belonging to) sverði, Fs. 97 (Hs.) in a verse; en ef mór er eigi at landinu, if there be no turf moor belonging to the land, Grág. ii. 338; svá at eigi brotnaði nokkuð at Orminum, so that no harm happened to the ship Worm, Fms. x. 356; hvatki er meiðir at skipinu eðr at reiðinu eðr at viðum, damage done t o …, Grág. ii. 403; lesta ( to injure) hús at lásum, við eðr torfi, 110; ef land hefir batnað at húsum, if the land has been bettered as to its buildings, 210; cp. the phrase, göra at e-u, to repair: hamlaðr at höndum eðr fótum, maimed as to hands or feet, Eg. 14; heill at höndum en hrumr at fótum, sound in band, palsied in foot, Fms. vii. 12; lykill at skrá, a key belonging, fitting, to the latch; hurð at húsi; a key ‘gengr at’ ( fits) skrá; and many other phrases. 2. denoting the part by which a thing is held or to which it belongs, by; fá, taka at…, to grasp by …; þú tókt við sverði hans at hjöltunum, you took it by the bill, Fms. i. 15; draga út björninn at hlustum, to pull out the bear by the ears, Fas. ii. 237; at fótum, by the feet, Fms. viii. 363; mæla ( to measure) at hrygg ok at jaðri, by the edge or middle of the stuff, Grág. i. 498; kasta e-m at höfði, head foremost, Nj. 84; kjósa e-n at fótum, by the feet alone, Edda 46; hefja frændsemi at bræðrum, eða at systkynum, to reckon kinship by the brother’s or the sister’s side, Grág. i. 28; kjósa at afli, at álitum, by strength, sight, Gs. 8, belongs rather to the following.
    IV. in respect of, as regards, in regard to, as to; auðigr at fé, wealthy of goods, Nj. 16, 30, 51; beztir hestar at reið, the best racehorses, 186; spekingr at viti, a man of great intellect, Ld. 124; vænn (fagr) at áliti, fair of face, Nj. 30, Bs. i. 61; kvenna vænst at ásjónu ok vits munum, of surpassing beauty and intellect, Ld. 122; fullkominn at hyggju, 18; um fram aðra menn at vinsældum ok harðfengi, of surpassing popularity and hardihood, Eb. 30.
    2. a law term, of challenging jurors, judges, or the like, on account of, by reason of; ryðja ( to challenge) at mægðum, guðsifjum, frændsemi, hrörum …; at leiðarlengd, on account of distance, Grág. i. 30, 50, Nj. (freq.)
    3. in arithm. denoting proportion; at helmingi, þriðjungi, fjórðungi, tíunda hluta, cp. Lat. ex asse, quadrante, for the half, third… part; máttr skal at magni (a proverb), might and main go together, Hkr. ii. 236; þú munt vera at því mikill fræðimaðr á kvæði, in the same proportion, as great, Fms. vi. 391, iii. 41; at e-s hluta, at… leiti, for one’s part, in turn, as far as one is con cerned, Grág. i. 322, Eg. 309, Fms. iii. 26 (freq.): at öðrum kosti, in the other case, otherwise (freq.) More gener., at öllu, öngu, in all (no) respects; at sumu, einhverju, nokkru, partly; at flestu, mestu, chiefly.
    4. as a paraphrase of a genitive; faðir, móðir at barni (= barns); aðili at sök (= sakar a.); morðingi at barni (= barns), faðerni at barni (barns); illvirki at fé manna (cp. Lat. felo de se), niðrfall at sökum (saka), land gangr at fiskum (fiska), Fms. iv. 274, Grág. i. 277, 416, N. G. L. i. 340, K. Þ. K. 112, Nj. 21.
    5. the phrase ‘at sér,’ of himself or in himself, either ellipt. or by adding the participle görr, and with the adverbs vel, ilia, or the like; denoting breeding, bearing, endowments, character …; væn kona, kurteis ok vel at sér, an accomplished, well-bred, gifted lady, Nj. I; vitr maðr ok vel at sér, a wise man and thoroughly good in feeling and bearing, 5; þú ert maðr vaskr ok vel at þér, 49; gerr at sér, accomplished, 51; bezt at sér görr, the finest, best bred man, 39, Ld. 124; en þó er hann svá vel at sér, so generous, Nj. 77; þeir höfðingjar er svá vóru vel at sér, so noble-minded, 198, Fms. i. 160: the phrase ‘at sér’ is now only used of knowledge, thus maðr vel að sér means clever, a man of great knowledge; illa að sér, a blockhead.
    6. denoting relations to colour, size, value, age, and the like; hvitr, svartr, grár, rauðr … at lit, white, swarthy, gray, red … of colour, Bjarn. 55, 28, Ísl. ii. 213, etc.; mikill, lítill, at stærð, vexti, tall, small of size, etc.; ungr, gamall, barn, at aldri, young, old, a child of age; tvítugr, þrítugr … at aldri, twenty, thirty … years of age (freq.): of animals; kyr at fyrsta, öðrum … kálfi, a cow having calved once, twice…, Jb. 346: value, amount, currency of money, kaupa e-t at mörk, at a mark, N. G. L. 1. 352; ok er eyririnn at mörk, amounts to a mark, of the value of money, Grág. i. 392; verðr þá at hálfri murk vaðmála eyrir, amounts to a half a mark, 500.
    β. metaph. of value, connected with verbs denoting to esteem, hold; meta, hafa, halda at miklu, litlu, vettugi, engu, or the like, to hold in high or low esteem, to care or not to care for (freq.): geta e-s at góðu, illu, öngu, to mention one favourably, unfavourably, indifferently … (freq.), prop. in connection with. In many cases it may be translated by in; ekki er mark at draumum, there is no meaning in dreams, no heed is to be paid to dreams, Sturl. ii. 217; bragð er at þá barnið finnr, it goes too far, when even a child takes offence (a proverb): hvat er at því, what does it mean? Nj. 11; hvert þat skip er vöxtr er at, any ship of mark, i. e. however small, Fms. xi. 20.
    V. denoting the source of a thing:
    1. source of infor mation, to learn, perceive, get information from; Ari nam ok marga fræði at Þuríði, learnt as her pupil, at her hands, as St. Paul at the feet of Gamaliel, (just as the Scotch say to speer or ask at a person); Ari nam at Þorgeiri afraðskoll, Hkr. (pref.); nema kunnáttu at e-m, used of a pupil, Fms. i. 8; nema fræði at e-m, xi. 396.
    2. of receiving, acquiring, buying, from; þiggja e-t at e-m, to receive a thing at his hands, Nj. 51; líf, to be pardoned, Fms. x. 173; kaupa land at e-m, to buy it from, Landn. 72, Íb. II, (now af is more freq. in this sense); geta e-t at e-m, to obtain, procure at one’s hands, impetrare; þeirra manna er þeir megu þat geta at, who are willing to do that, Grág. i. I; heimta e-t at e-m (now af), to call in, demand (a debt, money), 279; fala e-t at e-m (now af), to chaffer for or cheapen anything, Nj. 73; sækja e-t at e-m, to ask, seek for; sækja heilræði ok traust at e-m, 98; leiga e-t at e-m (now af), to borrow, Grág. ii. 334; eiga e-t (fé, skuld) at e-m, to be owed money by any one, i. 399: metaph. to deserve of one, Nj. 113; eiga mikit at e-m, to have much to do with, 138; hafa veg, virðing, styrk, at, to derive honour, power from, Fms. vi. 71, Eg. 44, Bárð. 174; gagn, to be of use, Ld. 216; mein, tálma, mischief, disadvantage, 158, 216, cp. Eg. 546; ótta, awe, Nj. 68.
    VI. denoting conformity, according to, Lat. secundum, ex, after; at fornum sið, Fms. i. 112; at sögn Ara prests, as Ari relates, on his authority, 55; at ráði allra vitrustu manna, at the advice of, Ísl. ii. 259, Ld. 62; at lögum, at landslögum, by the law of the land, Grág., Nj.; at líkindum, in all likelihood, Ld. 272; at sköpum, in due course (poet.); at hinum sama hætti, in the very same manner, Grág. i. 90; at vánum, as was to be expected, Nj. 255; at leyfi e-s, by one’s leave, Eg. 35; úlofi, Grág. ii. 215; at ósk, vilja e-s, as one likes…; at mun, id. (poet.); at sólu, happily (following the course of the sun), Bs. i. 70, 137; at því sem …, as to infer from …, Nj. 124: ‘fara, láta, ganga at’ denotes to yield, agree to, to comply with, give in, Ld. 168, Eg. 18, Fms. x. 368.
    VII. in phrases nearly or quite adverbial; gróa, vera græddr, at heilu, to be quite healed, Bárð. 167, Eb. 148; bíta at snöggu, to bite it bare, Fms. xi. 6; at þurru, till it becomes dry, Eb. 276; at endilöngu, all along, Fas. ii; vinnast at litlu, to avail little, 655 x. 14; at fullu, fully, Nj. 257, Hkr. i. 171; at vísu, of a surety, surely, Ld. 40; at frjálsu, freely, 308; at líku, at sömu, equally, all the same, Hom. 80, Nj. 267; at röngu, wrongly, 686 B. 2; at hófi, temperately, Lex. Poët.; at mun, at ráði, at marki, to a great extent; at hringum, utterly, all round, (rare), Fms. x. 389; at einu, yet, Orkn. 358; svá at einu, því at einu, allt at einu, yet, however, nevertheless.
    VIII. connected with comparatives of adverbs and adjectives, and strengthening the sense, as in Engl. ‘the,’ so much the more, all the more; ‘at’ heldr tveimr, at ek munda gjarna veita yðr öllum, where it may be translated by so much the more to two, as I would willingly grant it to all of you; hon grét at meir, she grat (wept) the more, Eg. 483; þykir oss at líkara, all the more likely, Fms. viii. 6; þess at harðari, all the harder, Sturl. iii. 202 C; svá at hinn sé bana at nær, Grág. ii. 117; at auðnara, at hólpnara, the more happy, Al. 19, Grett. 116 B; þess at meiri, Fms. v. 64; auvirðismaðr at meiri, Sturl. ii. 139; maðr at vaskari, id.; at feigri, any the more fey, Km. 22; maðr at verri, all the worse, Nj. 168; ok er ‘at’ firr…, at ek vil miklu heldr, cp. Lat. tantum abest… ut, Eg. 60.
    β. following after a negation; eigi at síðr, no less, Nj. 160, Ld. 146; eigi… at meiri maðr, any better, Eg. 425, 489; erat héra at borgnara, any the better off for that, Fms. vii. 116; eigi at minni, no less for that, Edda (pref.) 146; eigi at minna, Ld. 216, Fms. ix. 50; ekki at verri drengr, not a bit worse for that, Ld. 42; er mér ekki son minn at bættari, þótt…, 216; at eigi vissi at nær, any more, Fas. iii. 74.
    IX. following many words:
    1. verbs, esp. those denoting, a. to ask, enquire, attend, seek, e. g. spyrja at, to speer (ask) for; leita at, to seek for; gæta, geyma at, to pay attention to; huga, hyggja at; hence atspurn, to enquire, aðgæzla, athugi, attention, etc.
    β. verbs denoting laughter, play, joy, game, cp. the Engl. to play at …, to laugh at …; hlæja, brosa at e-u, to laugh, smile at it; leika (sér) at e-u, to play at; þykja gaman at, to enjoy; hæða, göra gys at …, to make sport at …
    γ. verbs denoting assistance, help; standa, veita, vinna, hjálpa at; hence atstoð, atvinna, atverk:—mode, proceeding; fara at, to proceed, hence atför and atferli:—compliance; láta, fara at e-u, v. above:— fault; e-t er at e-u, there is some fault in it, Fms. x. 418; skorta at e-u, to fall short of, xi. 98:—care, attendance; hjúkra at, hlýja at, v. these words:—gathering, collecting; draga, reiða, flytja, fá at, congerere:—engagement, arrival, etc.; sækja at, to attack; ganga at, vera at, to be about; koma at, ellipt. to arrive: göra at, to repair: lesta at, to impair (v. above); finna at, to criticise (mod.); telja at, id.: bera at, to happen; kveða at e-m, to address one, 625. 15, (kveða at (ellipt.) now means to pronounce, and of a child to utter (read) whole syllables); falla at, of the flood-tide (ellipt.): metaph. of pains or straits surrounding one; þreyngja, herða at, to press hard: of frost and cold, with regard to the seasons; frjósa at, kólna at, to get really cold (SI. 44), as it were from the cold stiffening all things: also of the seasons themselves; hausta, vetra að, when the season really sets in; esp. the cold seasons, ‘sumra at’ cannot be used, yet we may say ‘vára að’ when the spring sets in, and the air gets mild.
    δ. in numberless other cases which may partly be seen below.
    2. connected ellipt. with adverbs denoting motion from a place; norðan, austan, sunnan, vestan at, those from the north, east…; utan at, innan at, from the outside or inside.
    3. with adjectives (but rarely), e. g. kærr, elskr, virkr (affectionate), vandr (zealous), at e-m; v. these words.
    TEMP.: Lat. post, after, upon, esp. freq. in poetry, but rare in prose writers, who use eptir; nema reisi niðr at nið (= maðr eptir mann), in succession, of erecting a monument, Hm. 71; in prose, at þat. posthac, deinde, Fms. x. 323, cp. Rm., where it occurs several times, 2, 6, 9, 14, 18, 24, 28, 30, 35; sonr á at taka arf at föður sinn, has to take the inheritance after his father, Grág. i. 170 new Ed.; eiga féránsdóm at e-n, Grág. i. 89; at Gamla fallinn, after the death of G., Fms. x. 382; in Edda (Gl.) 113 ought to be restored, grét ok at Oð, gulli Freyja, she grat (wept) tears of gold for her lost husband Od. It is doubtful if it is ever used in a purely loc. sense; at land, Grág. (Sb.)ii. 211, is probably corrupt; at hönd = á hönd, Grág. (Sb.) i. 135; at mót = at móti, v. this word.
    ☞ In compounds (v. below) at- or að- answers in turn to Lat. ad- or in- or con-; atdráttr e. g. denotes collecting; atkoma is adventus: it may also answer to Lat. ob-, in atburðr = accidence, but might also be compared with Lat. occurrere.
    and að, the mark of the infinitive [cp. Goth. du; A. S. and Engl. to; Germ. zu]. Except in the case of a few verbs ‘at’ is always placed immediately before the infinitive, so as to be almost an inseparable part of the verb.
    I. it is used either,
    1. as, a simple mark of the infinitive, only denoting an action and independent of the subject, e. g. at ganga, at hlaupa, at vita, to go, to run, to know; or,
    2. in an objective sense when following such verbs as bjóða segja…, to invite, command …; hann bauð þeim at ganga, at sitja, be bade, ordered them to go, sit, or the like; or as gefa and fá; gefa e-m at drekka, at eta, to give one to drink or to eat, etc. etc.
    β. with the additional notion of intention, esp. when following verba cogitandi; hann ætlaði, hafði í hyggju at fara, he had it in his mind to go (where ‘to go’ is the real object to ætlaði and hafði í hyggju).
    3. answering to the Gr. ινα, denoting intention, design, in order to; hann gékk í borg at kaupa silfr, in order to buy, Nj. 280; hann sendi riddara sína með þeim at varðveita þær, 623. 45: in order to make the phrase more plain, ‘svá’ and ‘til’ are frequently added, esp. in mod. writers, ‘svá at’ and contr. ‘svát’ (the last however is rare), ‘til at’ and ‘til þess at,’ etc.
    II. in the earlier times the infin., as in Greek and Lat., had no such mark; and some verbs remain that cannot be followed by ‘at;’ these verbs are almost the same in Icel. as in Engl.:
    α. the auxiliary verbs vil, mun ( μέλλω), skal; as in Engl. to is never used after the auxiliaries shall, will, must; ek vil ganga, I will go; ek mun fara, (as in North. E.) I mun go; ek skal göra þat, I shall do that, etc.
    β. the verbs kunna, mega, as in Engl. I can or may do, I dare say; svá hygginn at hann kunni fyrir sökum ráða, Grág. ii. 75; í öllu er prýða má góðan höfðingja, Nj. 90; vera má, it may be; vera kann þat, id.: kunnu, however, takes ‘at’ whenever it means to know, and esp. in common language in phrases such as, það kann að vera, but vera kann þat, v. above.
    γ. lata, biðja, as in Engl. to let, to bid; hann lét (bað) þá fara, he let (bade) them go.
    δ. þykkja, þykjast, to seem; hann þykir vera, he is thought to be: reflex., hann þykist vera, sibi videtur: impers., mér þykir vera, mibi videtur, in all cases without ‘at.’ So also freq. the verbs hugsa, hyggja, ætla, halda, to think, when denoting merely the act of thinking; but if there be any notion of intention or purpose, they assume the ‘at;’ thus hann ætlaði, hugði, þá vera góða menn, he thought them to be, acc. c. inf.; but ætlaði at fara, meant to go, etc.
    ε. the verbs denoting to see, bear; sjá, líta, horfa á … ( videre); heyra, audire, as in Engl. I saw them come, I heard him tell, ek sá þá koma, ek heyrði hann tala.
    ζ. sometimes after the verbs eiga and ganga; hann gékk steikja, be went to roast, Vkv. 9; eiga, esp. when a mere periphrasis instead of skal, móður sína á maðr fyrst fram færa (better at færa), Grág. i. 232; á þann kvið einskis meta, 59; but at meta, id. l. 24; ráða, nema, göra …, freq. in poetry, when they are used as simple auxiliary verbs, e. g. nam hann sér Högna hvetja at rúnum, Skv. 3. 43.
    η. hljóta and verða, when used in the sense of must (as in Engl. he must go), and when placed after the infin.of another verb; hér muntu vera hljóta, Nj. 129; but hljóta at vera: fara hlýtr þú, Fms. 1. 159; but þú hlýtr at fara: verða vita, ii. 146; but verða at vita: hann man verða sækja, þó verðr (= skal) maðr eptir mann lifa, Fms. viii. 19, Fas. ii. 552, are exceptional cases.
    θ. in poetry, verbs with the verbal neg. suffix ‘-at,’ freq. for the case of euphony, take no mark of the infinitive, where it would be indispensable with the simple verb, vide Lex. Poët. Exceptional cases; hvárt sem hann vill ‘at’ verja þá sök, eða, whatever he chooses, either, Grág. i. 64; fyrr viljum vér enga kórónu at bera, en nokkut ófrelsi á oss at taka, we would rather bear no crown than …, Fms. x. 12; the context is peculiar, and the ‘at’ purposely added. It may be left out ellipt.; e. g. þá er guð gefr oss finnast (= at finnast), Dipl. ii. 14; gef honum drekka (= at drekka), Pr. 470; but mostly in unclassical writers, in deeds, or the like, written nastily and in an abrupt style.
    and að, conj. [Goth. þatei = οτι; A. S. þät; Engl. that; Germ, dass; the Ormul. and Scot. at, see the quotations sub voce in Jamieson; in all South-Teutonic idioms with an initial dental: the Scandinavian idioms form an exception, having all dropped this consonant; Swed. åt, Dan. at]. In Icel. the Bible translation (of the 16th century) was chiefly based upon that of Luther; the hymns and the great bulk of theol. translations of that time were also derived from Germany; therefore the germanised form það frequently appears in the Bible, and was often employed by theol. authors in sermons since the time of the Reformation. Jón Vidalin, the greatest modern Icel. preacher, who died in 1720, in spite of his thoroughly classical style, abounds in the use of this form; but it never took root in the language, and has never passed into the spoken dialect. After a relative or demonstr. pronoun, it freq. in mod. writers assumes the form eð, hver eð, hverir eð, hvað eð, þar eð. Before the prep. þú (tu), þ changes into t, and is spelt in a single word attú, which is freq. in some MS.;—now, however, pronounced aððú, aððeir, aððið …, = að þú…, with the soft Engl. th sound. It gener. answers to Lat. ut, or to the relat. pron. qui.
    I. that, relative to svá, to denote proportion, degree, so…, that, Lat. tam, tantus, tot…, ut; svá mikill lagamaðr, at…, so great a lawyer, that…, Nj. 1; hárið svá mikit, at þat…, 2; svá kom um síðir því máli, at Sigvaldi, it came so far, that…, Fms. xi. 95, Edda 33. Rarely and unclass., ellipt. without svá; Bæringr var til seinn eptir honum, at hann … (= svá at), Bær. 15; hlífði honum, at hann sakaði ekki, Fas. iii. 441.
    II. it is used,
    1. with indic, in a narrative sense, answering partly to Gr. οτι, Lat. quod, ut, in such phrases as, it came to pass, happened that …; þat var einhverju sinni, at Höskuldr hafði vinaboð, Nj. 2; þat var á palmdrottinsdag, at Ólafr konungr gékk út um stræti, Fms. ii. 244.
    2. with subj. answering to Lat. acc. with infin., to mark the relation of an object to the chief verb, e. g. vilda ek at þú réðist, I wished that you would, Nj. 57.
    β. or in an oblique sentence, answering to ita ut…; ef svá kann verða at þeir láti…, if it may be so that they might…, Fms. xi. 94.
    γ. with a subj. denoting design, answering to ϊνα or Lat. ut with subj., in order that; at öll veraldar bygðin viti, ut sciat totus orbis, Stj.; þeir skáru fyrir þá melinn, at þeir dæi eigi af sulti, ut ne fame perirent, Nj. 265; fyrsti hlutr bókarinnar er Kristindómsbálkr, at menn skili, in order that men may understand, Gþl. p. viii.
    III. used in connection with conjunctions,
    1. esp. þó, því, svá; þó at freq. contr. þótt; svát is rare and obsolete.
    α. þóat, þótt (North. E. ‘thof’), followed by a subjunctive, though, although, Lat. etsi, quamquam (very freq.); þóat nokkurum mönnum sýnist þetta með freku sett… þá viljum vér, Fms. vi. 21: phrases as, gef þú mér þó at úverðugri, etsi indignae (dat.), Stj. MS. col. 315, are unclass., and influenced by the Latin: sometimes ellipt. without ‘þó,’ eigi mundi hón þá meir hvata göngu sinni, at (= þóat) hon hraeddist bana sinn, Edda 7, Nj. 64: ‘þó’ and ‘at’ separated, svarar hann þó rétt, at hann svari svá, Grág. i. 23; þó er rétt at nýta, at hann sé fyrr skorinn, answering to Engl. yetthough, Lat. attamenetsi, K. Þ. K.
    β. því at, because, Lat. nam, quia, with indic.; því at allir vóru gerfiligir synir hans, Ld. 68; því at af íþróttum verðr maðr fróðr, Sks. 16: separated, því þegi ek, at ek undrumst, Fms. iii. 201; því er þessa getið, at þat þótti, it i s mentioned because …, Ld. 68.
    γ. svá at, so that, Lat. ut, ita ut; grátrinn kom upp, svá at eingi mátti öðrum segja, Edda 37: separated, so … that, svá úsvúst at …, so bad weather, that, Bs. i. 339, etc.
    2. it is freq. used superfluously, esp. after relatives; hver at = hverr, quis; því at = því, igitur; hverr at þekkr ok þægiligr mun verða, Fms. v. 159; hvern stvrk at hann mundi fá, 44; ek undrumst hvé mikil ógnarraust at liggr í þér, iii. 201; því at ek mátti eigi þar vera elligar, því at þar var kristni vel haldin, Fas. i. 340.
    IV. as a relat. conj.:
    1. temp, when, Lat. quum; jafnan er ( est) mér þá verra er ( quum) ek fer á braut þaðan, en þá at ( quum) ek kem, Grett. 150 A; þar til at vér vitum, till we know, Fms. v. 52; þá at ek lýsta (= þá er), when, Nj. 233.
    2. since, because; ek færi yðr (hann), at þér eruð í einum hrepp allir, because of your being all of the same Rape, Grág. i. 260; eigi er kynlegt at ( though) Skarphéðinn sé hraustr, at þat er mælt at…, because (since) it is a saying that…, Nj. 64.
    V. in mod. writers it is also freq. superfluously joined to the conjunctions, ef að = ef, si, (Lv. 45 is from a paper MS.), meðan að = meðan, dum; nema að, nisi; fyrst að = fyrst, quoniam; eptir að, síðan að, postquam; hvárt að = hvárt, Lat. an. In the law we find passages such as, þá er um er dæmt eina sök, at þá eigu þeir aptr at ganga í dóminn, Grág. i. 79; ef þing ber á hina helgu viku, at þat á eigi fyrir þeim málum at standa, 106; þat er ok, at þeir skulu reifa mál manna, 64; at þeir skulu með váttorð þá sök sækja, 65: in all these cases ‘at’ is either superfluous or, which is more likely, of an ellipt. nature, ‘the law decrees’ or ‘it is decreed’ being understood. The passages Sks. 551, 552, 568, 718 B, at lokit (= at ek hefi lokit), at hugleitt (= at ek hefi h.), at sent (= at ek hefi sent) are quite exceptional.
    and að, an indecl. relat. pronoun [Ulf. þatei = ος, ος αν, οστις, οσπερ, οιος, etc.; Engl. that, Ormul. at], with the initial letter dropped, as in the conj. at, (cp. also the Old Engl. at, which is both a conj. and a pronoun, e. g. Barbour vi. 24 in Jamieson: ‘I drede that his gret wassalage, | And his travail may bring till end, | That at men quhilc full litil wend.’ | ‘His mestyr speryt quhat tithings a t he saw.’—Wyntoun v. 3. 89.) In Icel. ‘er’ (the relat. pronoun) and ‘at’ are used indifferently, so that where one MS. reads ‘er,’ another reads ‘at,’ and vice versâ; this may easily be seen by looking at the MSS.; yet as a rule ‘er’ is much more freq. used. In mod. writers ‘at’ is freq. turned into ‘eð,’ esp. as a superfluous particle after the relative pron. hverr (hver eð, hvað eð, hverir eð, etc.), or the demonstr. sá (sá eð, þeir eð, hinir eð, etc.):—who, which, that, enn bezta grip at ( which) hafði til Íslands komið, Ld. 202; en engi mun sá at ( cui) minnisamara mun vera, 242; sem blótnaut at ( quae) stærst verða, Fms. iii. 214; þau tiðendi, at mér þætti verri, Nj. 64, etc. etc.
    n. collision (poët.); odda at, crossing of spears, crash of spears, Höfuðl. 8.
    β. a fight or bait of wild animals, esp. of horses, v. hesta-at and etja.
    the negative verbal suffix, v. -a.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > AT

  • 12 set

    A n
    1 ( collection) (of keys, spanners, screwdrivers) jeu m ; (of golf clubs, stamps, coins, chairs) série f ; ( of cutlery) service m ; ( of encyclopedias) collection f ; fig (of data, rules, instructions, tests) série f ; a set of china un service de table ; a new/clean set of clothes des vêtements neufs/propres ; they're sold in sets of 10 ils sont vendus par lots de 10 ; a set of bills Comm, Fin un jeu de connaissements ; a set of fingerprints des empreintes fpl digitales ; a set of stairs un escalier ; a set of traffic lights des feux mpl (de signalisation) ;
    2 (kit, game) a backgammon/chess set un jeu de jacquet/d'échecs ; a magic set une mallette de magie ;
    3 ( pair) a set of sheets une paire de draps ; a set of footprints l'empreinte des deux pieds ; a set of false teeth un dentier ; my top/bottom set ( of false teeth) la partie supérieure/inférieure de mon dentier ; one set of grandparents lives in Canada deux de mes grands-parents habitent au Canada ; both sets of parents agreed with us ses parents comme les miens étaient d'accord avec nous ;
    4 Sport ( in tennis) set m ; ‘set to Miss Wilson’ ‘set Mademoiselle Wilson’ ;
    5 ( television) poste m ; TV set, television set poste de télévision ;
    6 ( group) ( social) monde m ; ( sporting) milieu m ; aristocratic/literary set monde aristocratique/littéraire ; the racing/yachting set le milieu des courses/du yachting ; the smart ou fashionable set les gens à la mode ; he's not part of our set il ne fait pas partie de notre groupe ;
    7 ( scenery) Theat décor m ; Cin, TV plateau m ; on the set Cin, TV sur le plateau ;
    8 Math ensemble m ;
    9 GB Sch (class, group) groupe m ; to be in the top set for maths être dans le groupe des meilleurs en maths ;
    10 ( hair-do) mise f en plis ; to have a shampoo and set se faire faire un shampooing et une mise en plis ;
    11 Mus concert m ;
    12 ( position) ( of sails) réglage m ; you could tell by the set of his jaw that he was stubborn ça se voyait à sa tête qu'il était têtu ;
    13 ( direction) sens m ; the set of the tide/wind le sens de la marée/du vent ;
    14 ( of badger) terrier m ;
    15 Hort plante f à repiquer ;
    16 Hunt ( of hound) arrêt m.
    B adj
    1 ( fixed) ( épith) [pattern, procedure, rule, task] bien déterminé ; [time, price] fixe ; [menu] à prix fixe ; [formula] toute faite ; [idea] arrêté ; I had no set purpose in arranging the meeting je n'avais pas d'objectif précis quand j'ai organisé cette réunion ; set phrase, set expression expression f consacrée, locution f figée ; to be set in one's ideas ou opinions avoir des idées bien arrêtées ; to be set in one's ways avoir ses habitudes ; the weather is set fair le temps est au beau fixe ;
    2 ( stiff) [expression, smile] figé ;
    3 Sch, Univ ( prescribed) [book, text] au programme ; there are five set topics on the history syllabus il y a cinq sujets au programme d'histoire ;
    4 ( ready) ( jamais épith) prêt (for pour) ; to be (all) set to leave/start être prêt à partir/commencer ; they're set to win/lose tout laisse à croire qu'ils vont gagner/perdre ;
    5 ( determined) to be (dead) set against sth/doing être tout à fait contre qch/l'idée de faire ; he's really set against my resigning/marrying il est tout à fait contre ma démission/mon mariage ; to be set on sth/on doing tenir absolument à qch/à faire ;
    6 ( firm) [jam, jelly, honey] épais/épaisse, consistant ; [cement] dur ; [yoghurt] ferme.
    C vtr ( p prés - tt- ; prét, pp set)
    1 (place, position) placer [chair, ornament] (on sur) ; poster [guard, sentry] ; monter, sertir [gem] (in dans) ; to set sth against a wall mettre qch contre un mur [bike, ladder] ; to set sth before sb lit placer qch devant qn [food, plate] ; fig présenter qch à qn [proposals, findings] ; to set sth in the ground enfoncer qch dans le sol [stake] ; to set sth into sth encastrer qch dans qch ; to set sth straight lit ( align) remettre qch droit [painting] ; fig ( tidy) remettre de l'ordre dans qch [papers, room] ; to set sth upright redresser qch ; a house set among the trees une maison située au milieu des arbres ; to set matters ou the record straight fig mettre les choses au point ; a necklace set with rubies un collier incrusté de rubis ; his eyes are set very close together ses yeux sont très rapprochés ;
    2 ( prepare) mettre [table] ; tendre [trap] ; set three places mets trois couverts ; to set the stage ou scene for sth fig préparer le lieu de qch [encounter, match] ; the stage is set for the final tout est prêt pour la finale ; to set one's mark ou stamp on sth laisser sa marque sur qch ;
    3 (affix, establish) fixer [date, deadline, place, price, target] ; lancer [fashion, trend] ; donner [tone] ; établir [precedent, record] ; to set a good/bad example to sb montrer le bon/mauvais exemple à qn ; to set one's sights on viser [championship, job] ;
    4 ( adjust) mettre [qch] à l'heure [clock] ; mettre [alarm clock, burglar alarm] ; programmer [timer, video] ; to set the oven to 180° mettre le four sur 180° ; to set the controls to manual passer au mode manuel ; to set the video to record the film programmer le magnétoscope pour enregistrer le film ; to set the alarm for 7 am mettre le réveil pour 7 heures ; set your watch by mine règle ta montre sur la mienne ; I set the heating to come on at 6 am j'ai réglé le chauffage pour qu'il se mette en route à six heures ; to set the counter back to zero remettre le compteur à zéro ;
    5 ( start) to set sth going mettre qch en marche [machine, motor] ; to set sb laughing/thinking faire rire/réfléchir qn ; to set sb to work doing charger qn de faire ; the noise set the dogs barking le bruit a fait aboyer les chiens ;
    6 (impose, prescribe) [teacher] donner [homework, essay] ; poser [problem] ; créer [crossword puzzle] ; to set an exam préparer les sujets d'examen ; to set a book/subject for study mettre un texte/un sujet au programme ; to set sb the task of doing charger qn de faire ;
    7 Cin, Literat, Theat, TV situer ; to set a book in 1960/New York situer un roman en 1960/à New York ; the film/novel is set in Munich/in the 1950's le film/roman se passe à Munich/dans les années 50 ;
    8 Mus to set sth to music mettre qch en musique [libretto, lyrics] ;
    9 Print composer [text, type] (in en) ;
    10 Med immobiliser, éclisser spec [bone, broken leg] ;
    11 ( style) to set sb's hair faire une mise en plis à qn ; to have one' s hair set se faire faire une mise en plis ;
    12 ( cause to harden) faire prendre [jam, concrete] ;
    13 ( esteem) to set sb above/below sb placer qn au-dessus/en dessous de qn ;
    14 GB Sch grouper [qn] par niveau [pupils].
    D vi ( p prés - tt- ; prét, pp set)
    1 [sun] se coucher ;
    2 ( harden) [jam, concrete] prendre ; [glue] sécher ;
    3 Med [fracture, bone] se ressouder.
    E v refl ( p prés - tt- ; prét, pp set) to set oneself sth se fixer qch [goal, target].
    to be well set-up ( financially) avoir les moyens ; ( physically) [woman] être bien balancé ; to make a (dead) set at sb GB se lancer à la tête de qn .
    set about:
    set about [sth] se mettre à [work, duties] ; to set about doing commencer à faire ; to set about the job ou task ou business of doing commencer à faire ; I know what I want to do but I don't know how to set about it je sais ce que je veux faire mais je ne sais pas comment m'y prendre ;
    set about [sb] attaquer qn (with avec) ;
    set [sth] about faire courir [rumour, story] ; to set it about that… faire courir le bruit que…
    set [sb] against monter qn contre [person] ; to set oneself against sth s'opposer à qch ;
    set sth against sth ( compare) confronter qch à qch ; you have to set his evidence against what you already know vous devez examiner son témoignage à la lumière de ce que vous savez déjà ; the benefits seem small, set against the risks par rapport aux risques les bénéfices semblent maigres.
    set apart:
    set [sb/sth] apart distinguer [person, book, film] (from de).
    set aside:
    set [sth] aside, set aside [sth]
    1 ( put down) poser [qch] de côté [book, knitting] ;
    2 ( reserve) réserver [area, room, time] (for pour) ; mettre [qch] de côté [money, stock] ;
    3 ( disregard) mettre [qch] de côté [differences, prejudices] ;
    4 Admin, Jur ( reject) rejeter [decision, request, verdict] ; casser [judgment, ruling].
    set back:
    set [sth] back
    1 ( position towards the rear) reculer [chair, table] ; the house is set back from the road la maison est située un peu en retrait de la route ;
    2 ( adjust) retarder [clock, watch] ;
    set back [sth], set [sth] back ( delay) retarder [production, recovery, work] ;
    set [sb] back coûter les yeux de la tête à ; that car must have set you back a bit cette voiture a dû te coûter les yeux de la tête ; it set me back 2,000 dollars ça m'a coûté 2 000 dollars.
    set by:
    set [sth] by, set by [sth] mettre [qch] de côté.
    set down:
    set [sb/sth] down déposer [passenger] ; poser [suitcases, vase] ;
    set down [sth], set [sth] down
    1 ( establish) fixer [code of practice, conditions, criteria] ;
    2 ( record) enregistrer [event, fact] ; to set down one' s thoughts (on paper) consigner ses pensées par écrit ;
    3 ( land) poser [helicopter].
    set forth:
    set forth ( leave) se mettre en route ;
    set forth [sth] exposer [findings, facts] ; présenter [argument].
    set in:
    set in [infection, gangrene] se déclarer ; [complications] survenir ; [winter] arriver ; [depression, resentment] s'installer ; the rain has set in for the afternoon la pluie va durer toute l'après-midi ;
    set [sth] in Sewing rapporter [sleeve].
    set off:
    set off partir (for pour) ; to set off on a journey/an expedition partir en voyage/expédition ; to set off to do partir faire ; he set off on a long description/story il s'est lancé dans une longue description/histoire ;
    set [off] sth, set [sth] off
    1 ( trigger) déclencher [alarm] ; faire partir [firework] ; faire exploser [bomb] ; déclencher [riot, row, panic] ;
    2 ( enhance) mettre [qch] en valeur [colour, dress, tan] ;
    3 Fin to set sth off against profits/debts déduire qch des bénéfices/des dettes ;
    set [sb] off faire pleurer [baby] ; she laughed and that set me off elle a ri et ça m'a fait rire à mon tour ; don't mention politics, you know it always sets him off ne parle pas de politique tu sais bien que quand il est parti on ne peut plus l'arrêter.
    set on:
    set on [sb] attaquer qn ;
    set [sth] on sb lâcher [qch] contre qn [dog] ; to set sb onto sb ou sb's track mettre qn sur la piste de qn.
    set out:
    set out ( leave) se mettre en route (for pour ; to do pour faire) ; we set out from Paris/the house at 9 am nous avons quitté Paris/la maison à 9 heures ; to set out on a journey/an expedition partir en voyage/expédition ; to set out to do ( intend) [book, report, speech] avoir pour but de faire ; [person] chercher à faire ; ( start) commencer à faire ;
    set [sth] out, set out [sth]
    1 ( spread out) disposer [goods] ; disposer [food] ; étaler [books, papers] ; disposer [chairs] ; préparer [board game] ; disposer [chessmen] ; organiser [information] ;
    2 (state, explain) présenter [conclusions, ideas, proposals] ; formuler [objections, terms].
    set to s'y mettre.
    set up:
    set up ( establish oneself) [business person, trader] s'établir ; to set up on one's own s'établir à son compte ; to set up (shop) as a decorator/caterer s'établir en tant que décorateur/traiteur ; to set up in business monter une affaire ;
    set [sth] up, set up [sth]
    1 ( erect) monter [stand, stall] ; assembler [equipment, easel] ; déplier [deckchair] ; ériger [roadblock] ; dresser [statue] ; to set up home ou house s'installer ; to set up camp installer un campement ;
    2 ( prepare) préparer [experiment] ; Sport préparer [goal, try] ;
    3 (found, establish) créer [business, company] ; implanter [factory] ; former [support group, charity] ; constituer [committee, commission] ; ouvrir [fund] ; lancer [initiative, scheme] ;
    4 ( start) provoquer [vibration] ; susciter [reaction] ;
    5 ( organize) organiser [conference, meeting] ; mettre [qch] en place [procedures] ;
    6 Print composer [page] ;
    set [sb] up
    1 ( establish in business) she set her son up (in business) as a gardener elle a aidé son fils à s'installer comme jardinier ;
    2 (improve one's health, fortune) remettre [qn] sur pied ; there's nothing like a good vacation to set you up rien de tel que de bonnes vacances pour vous remettre sur pied ; that deal has set her up for life grâce à ce contrat elle n'aura plus à se soucier de rien ;
    3 GB ( trap) [police] tendre un piège à [criminal] ; [colleague, friend] monter un coup contre [person] ;
    4 Comput installer, configurer ;
    set [oneself] up
    1 Comm she set herself up as a financial advisor elle s'est mise à son compte comme conseiller financier ; to set oneself up in business se mettre à son compte ;
    2 ( claim) I don't set myself up to be an expert je ne prétends pas être expert ; she sets herself up as an authority on French art elle prétend faire autorité en matière d'art français.
    set upon:
    set upon [sb] attaquer qn.

    Big English-French dictionary > set

  • 13 MÁL

    * * *
    1) speech, faculty of speech (þrøngdi svá sóttarfari konungs, at hann misti málsins);
    þau hafa ekki mál, they are dumb;
    2) language, tongue;
    norrønt mál, the Norse tongue;
    3) speech, speaking (hvárt er Flosi svá nær, at hann megi heyra mál mitt);
    4) colloquy, talk, speech;
    koma á mál (or at máli) við e-n, to come to talk with, speak to;
    finna (hitta) e-n at máli, to obtain speech with;
    krefja e-n máls, to ask an interview with;
    leita mills við e-n (spyrja e-n máls, mæla mál of e-m), to broach a subject to one;
    bera mál á e-t, hafa e-t á (or at) máli, to speak (talk) of (allir menn höfðu á máli, hversu fríðr maðr hann var);
    lúka sínu máli, to end one’s speech;
    þat er mál manna, at, people say that;
    5) tale, story;
    nú er þar til máls at taka, now it must be told;
    6) saw, saying;
    fornt (fornkveðit) mál er, at, it is an old saw that;
    7) diction, construction of sentences;
    tvau mál, two sentences;
    fullt mál, a full period;
    9) suit, action, cause;
    hefja mál á hendr e-m, to bring an action against one;
    búa mál, to prepare a suit;
    sœkja mál, to prosecute;
    10) stipulation, agreement (ek vil halda mil við hann þan, sem mælt vóru);
    lauss allra mála, free of all stipulations;
    11) case, matter, affair (þetta mál var við Jórunni rœtt);
    svá er mál með vexti, the matter stands thus;
    var þat annat mál, another matter;
    miðla mál, to mediate;
    tillagagóðr inna stœrri mála, a good counsellor in great matters;
    hafa sitt mál, to have one’s own way, have one’s will (honum eirir illa, of hann hefir eigi sitt mál);
    hafa mikit til síns máls, to have much in support of one’s case;
    e-t skiptir miklu (litlu) máli, it is of great (small) importance;
    12) three months (mál ok misseri).
    1) measure (fimm álna er hátt mál hans);
    leggja, bera mál við e-t, to measure (hann lagði mál við öll in stœrstu tré);
    2) time, high time (mál er upp at standa);
    sagði, at þá var mið nótt ók at enn væri mál at sofa, and still time to sleep;
    3) meal;
    í eitt mál, at einu máli, for one single meal;
    deila mat at málum, to deal out food at each meal.
    n. inlaid ornaments (on the hilts and guards of swords).
    * * *
    n., old pl. m́l, 673. 47, Greg.; [Ulf. maþl = ἀγορά; Hel. mahal = speech, meeting; Dan. maal; from the old Teut. maþl or mahal was formed the mid. Lat. mallum = parliament, public meeting (Du Cange), and mallum again was in Norman-French rendered by parliament.]
    A. Speech, faculty of speech; mál heitir orð …, Edda 110; þau hafa ekki mál, they are dumb, Fms. i. 97, Fs. i. 250; þröngdi svá sóttar-fari konungs at hann misti málsins, x. 148; þeir hafa eigi manns rödd né mál, Rb. 348; þeir hafa gauð fyrir mál, 346; mál, heyrn, sjón, Edda 6.
    II. speech as spoken, language, tongue; Norrænt mál, the Norse tongue, Fms. vii. 165; Gírskt mál, Greg. 75; í máli þeirra, til várs máls, in our tongue; í hverju máli, Skálda 161, 168; í vóru máli, 163, 166, 167, 169; í málinu, 165; kynnask várt mál at ráða þat er á Norrænu er ritað, Bs. i. 59; nema mál á Danska tungu, Grág.; rita at Norrænu máli, Hkr. (pref.); þeir skildu eigi hans mál, þá mælti kvinnan á Norrænu, Fs. 136.
    2. speech, speaking; hvárt er Flosi svá nær at hann megi heyra mál mitt, Nj. 36, 200; ver eigi nær honum en mál nemi, Fms. iv. 28; en skáldskapr var honum svá tiltækr, at hann mælti af tungu fram sem annat mál, 374; engi var svá vitr at snjallara mál mundi fram bera, vii. 158; snjallr í máli ok talaðr vel. ix. 535; skilr þú nokkut hérmanna mál, Fas. ii. 512; en er hann lauk sínu máli, Ld. 106, 130, Íb. 12; ok fara svá öllu máli um sem hann hafi áðr ekki um mælt, Grág. i. 40; ef hann kveðr svá at ok hafði í máli sínu, ‘heilt ráð ok heimolt,’ en eigi ella, 317; kveðr jarl þings ok mælti þeim málum á þinginu at Hákon jarl skyldi heita vargr í véum, Fms. xi. 40; tína fyrir mér öll þau mál ok athæfi er hafa þarf fyrir konungi, Sks. 301.
    3. speaking one to another, colloquy; vera á máli, to deliberate, converse, Vtkv., 1; hann kom opt á mál við konung, Eg. 106; engi þorði at krefja hann máls, 601; Þórdís gékk til máls við Egil frænda sinn, 765; þegar er þeir fundu menn at máli, Fms. i. 204; ef þeir vildu hafa hans mál, 241; síðan hættu þau málinu, Nj. 10; hann leitaði þá máls um við Ásgerði hverju þat gegndi, Eg. 703; ok spyrja hana máls hvar til þessi svör skulu koma, Hkr. i. 77; þat var karl ok kerling, mælti hann mál af þeim ok spurði, Fas. iii. 525; höfðu menn at máli (people noticed, of something extraordinary), at…, Fms. vii. 301; allir menn höfðu á máli, er Ólaf sá, hversu fríðr maðr hann var, Ld. 88; bera mikit mál á, Fms. x. 93; þat var mál manna, people said that; or, þat er mál manna, people say, Nj. 268, Eg. 29, Fms. vii. 150.
    4. a tale, narrative; nú er þat til máls at taka (of resuming the narrative after an episode), to take up the story again, Ld. 314, Nj. 16, 29, 135, 148, 196; er fyrr var getið í þessu máli, Fms. xi. 41; þar hef ek upp þat mál, Eg. 735.
    5. a saw; þat er fornt mál (‘tis an old saw), at bísna skal at betr verði, Fms. x. 261, Glúm. 344; á líti þeir mál in fornu, look to the old wise sayings, Sighvat (forn-mæli, q. v.)
    6. gramm. diction, construction of sentences; mál ok hættir, Edda 49; ef þat mál ( figure of speech) er upp er tekit haldi of alla vísu-lengd, 123; breyta háttum með máli einu, to vary the verses with the sentences, Edda 124 (for specimens see lit. 9–23); tvau mál, two sentences; fullt mál, a full period; hér lýkr máli, lúka heilu máli, a sentence closes; annat ok þriðja vísu-orð er sér um mál, ok er þat stál kallat, of the intercalary sentences in poetry, Edda 125; þeir kölluðu at hann hafði eigi rétt ort at máli, Fms. v. 209; samhljóðendr megu ekki mál eðr atkvæði göra einir við sik, Skálda; hér er mál fullt í hverju vísu-orði, Edda; Skáldskapar-mál, poetical diction, id.; bragar-mál, id., 124.
    7. mál is the name of old songs containing old saws or sentences, such as the Háva-mál; as also of poems in a dialogue (mál); all such poems were in a peculiar metre called mála-háttr, which is opposed to the epic kviðu-háttr, thus, Grímnis-mál, Vafþrúðnis-mál, Alvís-mál, Hamðis-mál, Hákonar-mál, Eiríks-mál; in some instances the name has been applied erroneously, e. g. Atla-mál; the Rígs-mál is a name given in modern times, the old name was Rígs-þula.
    B. As a law phrase, with the notion of public speaking, action, or the like:
    1. a suit, action, cause; hefja mál á hendr e-m, Fms. vii. 130; hafa mál á höndum, Grág. i. 38; sókn skal fyrr fara fram hvers máls en vörn, nema þat sé allt eitt, ok sé þat annars máls sókn er annars er vörn, 59; Njáll nefndi vátta ok sagði únýtt málit, Nj. 36; ekki á Bjarkeyjar-réttr á því máli at standa, Fms. vii. 130; þeir veittu Gizuri hvíta at hverju máli, Nj. 86; báru þeir kvið um mál Otkels, 87; færa mál fram at dómi, Grág, i. 135; sækja mál, to prosecute, Nj. 86, 99; sækja mál lögliga ok réttliga, Fms. vii. 133; Gunnarr sótti málit þar til er hann bauð til varna, Nj. 36; en um tólf mánuðr stendr þeirra mál, the case stands over for twelve months, Grág. i. 143; sækja mál á þingi, Nj. 36; færa vörn fyrir mál, 87; mál kemr í dóm, Glúm. 365; höfða mál, to institute a suit, Grág. i. 142; búa mál, to prepare a suit, of the preliminaries, Glúm. 365, passim; leggja mál undir e-n (as umpire), Nj. 105; hafa sitt mál, to get one’s verdict, win the suit, passim; vera borinn máli, to be cast, convicted, N. G. L. i. 122: to be beaten, get the worst, passim: vígs-mál, legorðs-mál, fé-mál, etc.
    2. an indictment, charge;þá eru þeir varðir máli ef þeir fá þann bjargkvið, Grág. i. 54; ok versk hann þá málinu, 317; at upp skyldi vera rannsókn en þau ór málinu ef hann hittisk eigi þar, Ld. 44; ek vil svara því máli, I will answer that charge, Nj. 99; ok bað Sigurð Hranason svara þar málum fyrir sik, Fms. vii. 130; á hann kost at láta varða skóggang eða görtæki, ef hann vill til hins meira máls færa ok skal hann stefna ok láta varða skóggang, Grág. i. 430; hann spurði alla ena beztu menn, hvert mál þeim þætti Gunnarr eiga á þeim nöfnum fyrir fjörráðin, Nj. 105; leynd mál, hidden charges, Grág. i. 362.
    3. procedure, order; at alþingis-máli réttu ok allsherjar-lögum, Nj. 87: pleading, enda er svá sem þeir mæli eigi þeim m́lum nema þeir vinni eiða at, Grág. ii. 342.
    4. stipulation, agreement; mál meginlig, Vsp.; bregða máli, Grág. i. 148; ok skilja þeir eigi þat mál görr, en svá, 136; nema þau vili annat mál á göra, 336; en ek skal lauss allra mála ef hann kemr eigi svá út, Ísl. ii. 217; skulu þeirra manna mál standask, Grág. i. 296: engagement, ok vitja málanna fyrir hönd okkra beggja, Fms. xi. 104.
    5. transactions; en hvert sem at þessum málum var setið lengr eða skemr, Ld. 22.
    6. a case; lá ek þá í vöggu er þær skyldu tala um mitt mál, Fas. i. 340; mál hans stendr í miklum háska, Mar.; en þó skaltu svá um þitt mál hugsa, … at þá munt þú skamt eiga úlifat, Nj. 85; at hvárir-tveggju hafi nakkvat síns máls, Jb. 12; þat er mál Sigurðar konungs at mæla til Inga konungs, Fms. vii. 221; festi járnburð, at svá skyldi sanna mál hans, 230; honum eirir ílla ef hann hefir eigi sitt mál, Ísl. ii. 237; þá skal sá þeirra hafa sitt mál er eið vill at vinna, Grág. i. 393; Þórólfr bað Ölvi byrja mál sitt við konung, Eg. 62; at vit fáim rétt af þessu máli, 40; flytja mál sitt, Ld. 180; muntú mér verða at trúa til málanna þinna allra, Fms. xi. 104; allir er eiðsvarar erut við þetta mál, Nj. 192; eiga síðan allt mitt mál undir yðr fóstbræðrum, Fas. ii. 532; þetta mál var við Jórunni rætt, Ld. 22; þykki mér nú vandast málit, Nj. 4; svá er mál með vexti, the case is this, Lv. 43, Fas. iii. 59; var þat annat m., another affair, Nj. 256; ekki eru þau efni í um várt mál, Ld. 76; konungr átti dóm á þeirra máli, id.; ber hann upp fyrir bróður sinn málit, hann berr upp málit ok biðr Unnar, ok undra ek er þú ferr með því máli, Fas. i. 364; Austmaðrinn heldr nú á málinu við bónda Nj. 259; ef þér vilit göra málit at álitum, 3; svara þessu máli, Fms. vii. 124; miðla mál, to mediate, Íb. 12; inna stærri mála, in important cases, Nj. 2.
    7. special phrases, e-t skiptir miklu, litlu … máli, to bear much or little upon a case, to be of great (small …) importance, Eg. 742, Ó. H. 31, passim: skiptir þá eigi máli, Grág. i. 43; varða máli, id.; ef honum þætti máli varða at hann næði því, Rd. 260: þú kvaddir þess kviðar er eigi átti máli at skipta um víg Auðúlfs, who had no concern with the slaying of A., Nj. 87.
    C. COMPDS, máls- and mála-: máls-afglöpun, f. a false or collusive action, whereby the suit is lost, Grág. i. 494. máls-bót, f. an excuse, exculpation, Fms. vii. 207; esp. in plur., hafa sér e-ð til málsbóta, to use as an excuse. mála-efni, n. pl. a cause, its circumstances and nature, Nj. 47, Háv. 51; íll málaefni, a bad case, Fs. 41. 138, Ó. H. 150, Band. 12. máls-endi, a, m., see málsemd. máls-eyrendi, n. a discourse, Sturl. i. 140. mála-ferli, n. pl. lawsuits, litigation, Fs. 47, Eg. 644, Nj. 78, Sturl. i. 105, Fær. 109. mála-flutningr, m. the conduct of a suit, Hrafn. 17. mála-fylgjumaðr ( mála-fylgismaðr), m. a lawyer; mikill m., a great taker up of suits, Nj. 1, Bs. i. 82. máls-fylling, f. the conclusion of a case, Fb. iii. 451. máls-grein, f. a sentence, Skálda 174, 181, Bs. i. 753 ( a passage in a letter): a phrase, Stj. 79, Edda 49; partr málsgreinar = pars orationis, Skálda 180: diction, style, Edda 120. mála-háttr, m. [mál, háttr], a kind of metre, Edda 142, where a specimen is given. máls-hattr, m. a phrase, Stj. 67, 126: = málsgrein, Skálda 170: a proverb, saying, Fms. ii. 33, Fas. iii. 104, Stj. 133, passim. málshátta-safn, n. a collection of proverbs. mála-hlutr or máls-hlutr or -hluti, a, m. one side of a case or suit eiga enn þyngra málahlut, Ísl. ii. 172; þá ferr ílla m. várr ( our case), Lv. 95: a share, mun sá verða m. várr beztr, Nj. 88; nú kann vera, at ek kunna ekki at sjá málahlut til handa mér, en vilja munda ek halda sæmd minni, Sturl. i. 105. mála-kosta, u, f. a complaint, pleading in a case, Sturl. i. 613, H. E. i. 457. mála-leitan, f. a negotiation, the mooting a question, Eg. 521, Eb. 130, Fms. vii. 299, Orkn. 56. mála-lenging, f. useless prolongation. mála-lok, n. pl. the end of a case, conclusion, Eb. 106, Nj. 102, Bs. i. 68. mála-lyktir, f. pl. = málalok, Eb. 24, 36, Nj. 88, Fms. vii. 14. máls-löstr, m. bad grammar, Skálda 181. mála-maðr, m. = málafylgju-maðr, Dropl. 6, Ld. 298, Boll. 354. mála-mannligt, n. adj. like, worthy of a málamaðr, Bs. i. 751. máls-metandi, part., m. maðr, a person of mark. mála-mynd, f.; til málamyndar, only for appearance, not seriously. máls-orð, n. a word in a sentence, Edda 124, 126, 128. máls-partr, m. a part of speech, Skálda 185: a part in a suit, mod. máls-rödd, f. = málrómr, Stj. 81. mála-skil, n. pl. knowledge of proceeding. Sturl. iii. 10. mála-skot, n. an appeal in a case, K. Á. 218. mála-sóku, f. a lawsuit, prosecution, Nj. 248. máls-spell, n. a flaw in a suit, Nj. 170, Fms. x. 12. mála-sönnun, f. evidence, Mar. mála-tilbúningr or mála-tilbúnaðr, m. the preparation of a suit, Grág. i. 490, Eb. 282, Nj. 36, 100. mála-tilleitan, f. = málaleitan, Þórð. 67. mála-vöxtr, m. the state of a case, Fms. vi. 11, Al. 113, Bs. i. 67, Nj. 79. máls-þörf, f. a wish to speak, Fms. vi. 374.
    n. [Ulf. mêl = χρόνος, καιρός; A. S. mâl; Engl. meal; Germ. mahl; Dan. and Swed. maal, mâl = a mark]:—a measure: hann mælti grundvöll undir húss, þat var þeirra átrúnaðr ef málit gengi saman, þá er optarr væri reynt, at þess manns ráð mundi saman ganga, ef mál-vöndrinn þyrri, en þróask ef hann vissi til mikilleiks, gékk nú málit saman ok var þrem sinnum reynt, Korm. 8; fimm álna er hátt mál hans, Fms. vi. 929; ganga undir mál, to undergo a mál (for measuring one’s height); þat sögðu menn at þeir hefði jafnmiklir menn verit, þá er þeir gengu undir mál, Ld. 178; leggja, bera mál við, to measure; hann lagði mál við öll in stærstu tré, 216; með því sama máli sem þér mælit út mun yðr verða aptr mælt, Mar.; bar hón mál á, ok þurfti þá þrjár álnar ok þver hönd, Bs. ii. 168; kunna maga mál, to know the measure of one’s stomach, Hm. 20.
    2. a length of sixteen fathoms, D. N. (Fr.)
    B. Temp. [Ulf. mêl = χρόνος, καιρός], a ‘meal,’ of time, i. e. a certain portion of time:
    I. time, high time; skipverjum þótti mál ór hafi, Landn. 206: with infin., Vsp. 14, Hm. 111, Skm. 10, Bm. 1; mönnum væri mál at lýsa sökum sínum, Nj. 149; at mál væri at ganga at sofa, Fms. ii. 138; mælti biskup at mál væri at sofa, 139; sagði mál at ríða, Orkn. 48: adding a dat., mál er mér at ríða, Hkv. 2. 47: ok er mál at vit farim, Fær. 255; mál er at leita at hestum várum, Korm. 182; ok er allt mál at ættvíg þessi takisk af, Ld. 258; ok er nú mál at hætta, Fms. vi. 212: e-m er mál (of stools):—í mál, in due time; þóat í mál yrði borinn kviðrinn, Grág. i. 54.
    2. the moment, nick of time (mál, q. v.); at hann var þar þá nótt, ok á því máli …, of an alibi, N. G. L. i. 309.
    II. the meal-time, morning and evening, Edda 103; hence of cattle, missa máls, to miss the time, sheep lost or astray for a day so that they cannot be milked, Grág. ii. 230, 231; kvikfénaðr missir máls, Snót; hence málnyta. q. v.; deila mat at málum, to deal out meat at each meal, Grág. i. 149; í hvert mál, Hm. 36; í eitt mál, for one single ‘meal,’ Karl. 347, Grág. i. 293; fæða þá í tvau mál, ii. 400; í bæði mál (see i B, p. 317): at því máli = Germ. diesmahl, Korm. (in a verse); þat er ok mitt ráð þó þat sé at fyrra máli at menn snæði nokkut, Fb. ii. 676; þat vilda ek at þær æti at einu máli kýr Hálfdanar bróður míns, Ó. H. 64; ef ættak at málungi mat, if I had meat from meal to meal, Hm.
    2. of the day marks; dag-mál = day-meal = 9 o’clock A. M.; and nátt-mál, night-time = 9 o’clock P. M.; í fyrra málið, to-morrow morning; eg skal koma í fyrra málið.
    III. of the seasons of the year; í misseri eru mál tvau, í máli eru mánuðr þrír, Rb. 6; mál ok misseri, Hm.; sumar-mál, the time when summer sets in (middle of April), opp. to vetr-nætr, when winter sets in; hríð-mál. q. v.
    COMPDS: málamatr, málamjólk, málsverðr.
    n. [Ulf. mêl = γραφή and γράμμα; Hel. mâl = imago, effigies; cp. also Goth. maljan = γράφειν, whence mod. Germ. mahlerei, mahlen, = pingere]:—prop. ‘a drawing,’ but it is used in old writers only of inlaid ornaments on spear’s heads or on the hilts and guards of swords; görir Þorgrímr þar af spjót, mál vóru í, Gísl. 18; hann hafði króka-spjót í hendi haugtekit ok allgóð mál í, Ld. 78; spjót, þá fann hann blóð í málunum, Glúm. 344; stál bjartra mála, Korm. 1; gull-mál (q. v.), Þiðr. 110; stála-mál, inlaid work of steel, Ht. R. 33. For specimens of ‘mál’ see Worsaae, Nos. 325, 331; a plate with inlaid work on the outside and a Runic inscription on the inside was found in Oct. 1870 in the cairn Greenmount in Ireland, and is described by Major-General Lefroy.
    COMPDS: málajárn, málasax, málaspjót, málasteinn.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > MÁL

  • 14 report

    1. n
    1) доклад; отчет
    2) сообщение; сводка; репортаж

    to address report (to) — направлять доклад / отчет (кому-л.)

    to adopt report — одобрять / утверждать доклад

    to approve report — одобрять / утверждать доклад

    to bring the report up-to-date — включать в доклад самые последние сведения / данные; пополнять доклад новыми данными; обновлять содержание доклада

    to complete / to conclude a report — заканчивать доклад / сообщение

    to consider a report — рассматривать доклад / отчет

    to contest a reportоспаривать какое-л. сообщение

    to deliver report — выступать с докладом; делать доклад

    to draw up a report — готовить / составлять доклад

    to finalize a report — завершать / окончательно оформлять доклад

    to forward a report to smb — направлять доклад / отчет кому-л.

    to include smth in a report — включать / заносить что-л. в доклад

    to issue a report — опубликовывать / обнародовать доклад

    to leak a report to the press — давать "утечку" сообщения прессе, "сливать" сообщение в прессу

    to make a report — выступать с докладом; делать доклад

    to make a report "Restricted" — относить отчет к категории материалов "для служебного пользования"

    to make comments on a report — комментировать доклад; делать комментарий / критические замечания к докладу

    to mention smth in a report — упоминать / констатировать / отмечать что-л. в докладе

    to prepare a report — готовить / составлять доклад

    to present a report (to smb) — представлять доклад (кому-л.)

    to release a report — опубликовывать / обнародовать доклад

    to send smb a report — пересылать кому-л. сообщение

    to state smth in a report — указывать что-л. в докладе

    to submit a report for smb's consideration — представлять доклад на рассмотрение кому-л.

    to unveil a report — опубликовывать / обнародовать доклад

    - accounting report
    - accurate report
    - administrative report
    - analytical progress report
    - annual report
    - army report
    - authenticated report
    - background report
    - basic theses of report
    - bimonthly reports
    - brief outline report
    - circumstantial report
    - conflicting report
    - confused report
    - confusing report
    - congressional report
    - consolidated report
    - contradictory reports
    - debate on report
    - declassification of report
    - derestriction of report
    - detailed report
    - discussion of report
    - documentary report
    - draft report
    - efficiency report
    - expert's report
    - eyewitness report
    - factual report
    - false report
    - favorable report
    - feasibility report
    - final report
    - financial report
    - fresh report
    - full report
    - general report
    - heads of report
    - independent confirmation of report
    - in-depth report
    - information report
    - initial report
    - intelligence report
    - interim report
    - intermittent reports
    - interview report
    - joint report
    - leaked report
    - leave report
    - liaison report
    - majority report
    - market report
    - material balance report
    - medical report
    - minority report
    - mission report
    - monthly report
    - news report
    - nil report
    - observations on report
    - official report
    - on-the-spot report
    - optimistic report
    - periodic report
    - political report
    - preliminary report
    - premature report
    - press report
    - progress report
    - provisional report
    - quarterly report
    - regular reports
    - report cleared by censors
    - report just in
    - report just out
    - report of the Secretary General
    - report on the management
    - reports are consistent with other evidence
    - reports come from reliable sources
    - reports filter out that...
    - reports filter through that...
    - reports quoting Lebanese sources
    - reports reaching here
    - reports say that...
    - routine weather report
    - secret report
    - shorthand report
    - six-monthly report
    - special report
    - statistical report
    - substantive report
    - summary report
    - supplementary report
    - terminal report
    - travel expense report
    - uncensored report
    - unconfirmed report
    - United Nations report
    - unjust report
    - unofficial report
    - unverified report
    - upcoming report
    - updated report
    - veracity of report
    - verbatim report
    - well founded report
    2. v
    докладывать; сообщать; представлять отчет

    to report back to smbотчитываться перед кем-л., докладывать результаты

    to report personally to President — подчиняться / докладывать лично президенту

    to report smth at first hand — быть первоисточником, сообщать что-л. из первых рук

    to report smth in full — подробно сообщать о чем-л.

    to report smth prominently — сообщать о чем-л. на видном месте (в газете, журнале и т.п.)

    to report to one's government — делать доклад / докладывать результаты своему правительству

    - the republic is reported back to normal

    Politics english-russian dictionary > report

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